Chapter Four.

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The morning rolled around, Rova knocked on my door to make me aware that we were leaving for breakfast  in 10 minutes.

I changed into my school uniform, a collared white shirt with a gray sleeveless vest. Black pants matching the shirt, and a red tie around my neck, 

I looked like a rich private school boy, and I hated it. 

Rova and I walked in comfortable conversation, entering the dining room. I followed Rova as he forcefully dragged me by the wrist, and led me to a table with Calla and Jayden already sitting.

“Oh this motherfucker is just in our friend group now?” Jayden groaned as I sat down.

I rolled my eyes.

“Still don’t talk?” He asked with a smile.

“Oh fuck off.” I mumbled, resting my head in my hands out of pure exhaustion. 

Calla smiled at my response, ruffling my hair. 

“Didn’t get much sleep last night, eh?” He asked, noticing the dark circles under my eyes. 

I shrugged.

“Ugh how come you still look like that with literally zero sleep?” Rova complained.

I gave him a confused look.

“Have you seen your hair? And your face? It’s fucking angelic. I look like a zombie who just came from 6ft under the ground.” He said with a groan.

I laughed. “See- even your laugh-” Rova began again but was cut off by Calla.

“Quit crushing on the new boy, focus on me a bit more, hm?” He said with a smile, supposedly joking but for some reason I think Calla was a bit jealous..?

“But don’t you agree, Jayden? He’s fucking beautiful.” Rova said with a sigh, resting his head on the table.

“Yeah I can see where you’re coming from.” Jayden said with a smirk.

I looked up to him and we held eye contact for a minute, before Rova caught my attention again.

“Well anyways, what’s your schedule?” Rova questioned. I opened my phone and slid it across the table with a picture of my schedule pulled up.

“Oh- it looks like I have 4th period and 6th period with you.” Calla said with a smile.

Rova scanned the schedule, “And we have 2nd period and 7th period together.” A smile lighting up his face.

“And…we all have a 3rd period together!” Calla exclaimed.

Jayden groaned, “I have to see this shithead more than one time in a day? Are you fucking kidding me?”

I don’t know why they were so excited about having classes(not including Jayden, obviously) with me, as if I’m any use to them. I haven’t been to school in a year, even though this is my last year in highschool I should really be in grade 11.

My father stopped making me go to school back when I lived with him, and that was before I ran away. So it’s been quite a while. Even when I was  in school I never did my work, I flunked all my courses. 

“Are you smart?” Rova asked.

I shook my head.
“I’m sure you’re smarter than us, we all have straight C’s in all of our courses.” Calla said with a laugh.

*I’m not sure how grading scales work in London, I’m obviously from America so please just avoid it lmao*

I furrowed my eyebrows. Their definition of failing is a C? That’s basically a 100 for me. 

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