Chapter Seventeen.

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Milo claimed he had to ‘take a piss’ and left the room with a bottle of whiskey.

Classy, Milo. Real classy.

I drank from a random bottle, not bothering to read the name.

I layed on the counter, staring at the kitchen ceiling.

“Pathetic.” I mumbled to myself, replaying Milo’s words in my head.

The relaxation to it all consumed my mind so much that I didn’t hear the kitchen door open, or notice the three boys who stood in front of me.


I finally sat up, blinking a few times to clear my drunken vision.

Calla had repeated my name, his face covered in worry.

“Huh?” I mumbled, taking another sip from my drink.

Rova grabbed it, saying something about how I didn’t need anymore of it.

Jayden stood silently, I couldn’t read his face but I tried not to look at it for too long.

“Are you…alright, Lexie?” Calla asked.

My heart warmed at the nickname that I secretly loved so much.

Stopping myself from telling them how I truly felt, I just scoffed at the question and brushed it off like I always do. Nobody ever noticed, so it was never a problem if I was honest or not.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

It was a small struggle–okay, big struggle to keep my eyes from wandering to Jayden. But something about his presence drew me in.

“We miss you–we need you.” Rova admitted with a sad expression.

I sent a crooked smile, “You don’t need me, you were just fine before we became friends. You guys need to move on with your life, I already have.”
Jayden scoffed, “Yeah with Milo.” 

I met his gaze, “Yes, with Milo.” I tried to sound excited, happy. But I don’t think any of them were convinced.

Then, the kitchen door opened again and a very drunk Milo entered the room.

He laughed, “oh your little fan club is here, Alex.”
I didn’t say anything, something about him being here scared me. I had a feeling he was going to push all the wrong buttons.

He stood next to where I was sitting, placing his hand on my thigh and rubbing it with his thumb gently.

He was trying to piss off Jayden, meanwhile giving himself a free excuse to touch me.

I clenched my jaw, trying my best to not look uncomfortable.

But the three boys knew how to read me, I’m not sure how or why, but they just could.

Milo snickered and leaned over into my ear. I chewed on my cheek uncomfortably, trying to keep my breath even.

“Let’s go find a bedroom, hm?”
He said it in a whisper, loud enough for my ex-friends to hear, but quiet enough to give me all the flashbacks of the aggressive whispers my father would say into my ears while touching me.

I didn’t answer the question, focused on Milo’s hand that traveled farther up my thigh.

“Alex?” He asked.

I shrugged, “Let’s just get out of here.”
Calla was obviously trying to bite back his words, but Rova, who had no filter, immediately spoke up.

“Look man, he obviously doesn’t want to so get the fuck out of here.”
Milo turned around and faced the small brunette. 

“What did you just say?” He asked, placing his whiskey on the counter.

Rova looked him dead in the eye, and spat, “Get the fuck out of here.”

Rova’s cheek was met with Milo’s fist, causing Rova to fall to the ground and Calla rushing to his side. 

Jayden stepped up, throwing a punch to Milo’s stomach and getting one in return.

“Jayden-” I found myself saying, standing from the counter, my drunkenness causing my balance to stutter.

I grabbed Milo’s arm, pulling him away.

“I thought you said you weren’t friends with them anymore?” Milo said, obviously upset with me not allowing the fight.
“I’m not.” I mumbled, letting out a sigh, “Let’s just get out of here, okay?”

Milo rolled his eyes, “And do what?”
I really didn’t want to say what I was about to say, and I really didn’t want to do what I was about to do, but of course all my common sense flew out the window. “Okay let's find a bedroom, like you wanted.”
He arched an eyebrow, “And we can…?”
I chewed on my cheek, meeting Jayden’s gaze that was screaming ‘don’t fucking do it.’

But I nodded, “Yeah we can.”

So Milo took my arm with a tight grip and dragged me out of the kitchen, and pushed past all the drunk dancing people to find a bedroom.


the astronomical adrenline rush this chapter gave me from writing it was so fun

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