Chapter Twenty.

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We all sat in my bed, Calla and Rova cuddled together just as Jayden and I were.

Rova’s laptop was playing the Cars movies, because what else would we be watching?

I was two weeks sober, which wasn’t a lot but Jayden made sure to make it as known to me as he could how proud he was.

Things with Jayden were…perfect. We hadn’t done anything more than light kisses since our make out session on the fire escape, and hadn’t labeled anything.
But god did I want one.

I wanted nothing more than to call him my boyfriend, to do all the cringey things that I would judge couples for doing.

I wanted ot go on a stupidly expesive date that we would argue about who would pay, I wanted to stay out all night and go fucking star gazing.

I wanted to talk about our future together and the cats and dogs we would get.

I wanted it all with him.

I wanted him.

Half into the second Cars movie, Call and Rova were passed out.

“Hey Jayden?” I whispered.

“Hm?” He hummed.

“Let’s go do something.”
He laughed, “Do what? It’s midnight on a Wednesday.”
“Yes but it's also Christmas break.”

He thought for a moment, mumbling a small ‘okay’

I smiled, rolling out of bed and pulling him out behind me.

He laughed at my enthusiasm, and rubbed his sleepy eyes slowly.

“Wait- don’t leave yet, you need your coat. Oh- and your boots. We can’t go outside barefoot. You’re going to get cold. Maybe you should get a hat too–”
“Jayden~” I groaned impatiently.

He grabbed both of our coats and boots, forcing me to put them on before we left.

“You’ve gone soft.” I noted with a small laugh.

He rolled his eyes, “Oh please, as if you haven’t.”

I dragged him out of the room, and outside.
“Where are we going?” He asked, snowflakes cluttering in his hair as we began the walk to the woods. 

“To get pie.”
He laughed loudly, “What?” 

I nodded, “You heard me.”
He didn’t object or stop me, because he knew that it would be impossible.

I remembered the way to the school gate from the night Calla led Rova and I out here.

“What pie shop will even be open?” He asked, boosting me over the gate.

I landed with a small grunt, waiting for him to cross over.

“Who said it would have to be open?”

We stopped outside a small shop named, ‘France’s Pies.’

I smiled, taking Jayden’s hand and leading him to the back.

“How are you even going to get in–”


And the door swung open.

“How did you–”
“I have a lot of experience with pick-locking.”
He laughed, “I don't even want to know.”
I smiled, “Probably for the best.”

We walked through the back of the shop, grabbing a slice of a strawberry pie. It was warm from the warming cabinet it was in, making me smile.

“See? Pie.”
Jayden watched me with a look in his eye. I couldn’t name it, but it looked so–sweet. Like he was admiring me in a way.

“Cmon, let's get out of here before we get caught.”
Jayden nodded, closing the door behind us.

“Where are we eating?” He asked.

I shrugged, “I dunno.”

I heard a voice from the front of the shop, I peeked around the corner of the building to see a cop car. 

“Oh fuck.” I mumbled.

Jayden sighed, “All because you wanted pie at 1 in the morning.”
I smiled, “And you agreed.”
“Obviously I agreed, you asked.”

I rolled my eyes with a smirk, adrenaline pumping through my heart when I heard the cop yell “hey-”

I grabbed Jayden’s arm and bulted for the school gate.

He yelped, following me without a question.

“I forgot out fucking fast you are-” He said, panting as we ran.

I smiled, “I’m full of surprises.” I said with a wink.

He rolled his eyes, and I laughed at the blush that was covering his cheeks.

We reached the school gate, and he boosted me up.

I sat at the top, helping pull him over as we both fell onto the school grounds with a loud thud.

“Cmon.” I said, out of breath, pulling Jayden up and running back through the snowy woods.

We reached the football field, sitting under the bleachers. Jayden collapsed on the ground, panting loudly.

“Fucking hell-”

I laughed, also trying to catch my breath.
“Oh shit- I don’t have the pie. Damn we did all of that for nothing.” I whined, sitting in between Jayden’s legs as he sat up and wrapped his arms around me.

“Check my jacket pocket.”
I arched an eyebrow, reaching into the pocket and pulling out  bag labeled ‘France’s Pies’

I smiled, “you are heaven-sent.”
He nodded, “That’s what people keep telling me.”

I got the piece of pie out and turned sideways so that my legs hung over one of Jayden’s legs. I handed him a fork, and got my own and began to eat the slice.

It was still warm, causing a slight tingle in my stomach.

“See- I am full of smart ideas.” I said with a smile.

Jayden snorted, “Smart ideas? I would just call them ideas.”

I rolled my eyes, leaning into his side. 

He looked down to me, watching me gently. I looked up to him, finding myself staring at his lips. He laughed, leaning in and kissing me softly. The kiss was perfect, like every one of them were. 

And of course, I craved more.

“Want to go to my room?” He whispered against my lips. I nodded quickly. We both stood from the snowed ground, and abandoned our pie that we worked so hard for. The hallways were silent except for our hurried footsteps to his room.


Next chapter=spicy

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