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5 years later.

Jayden and I had been together since he asked me that night, in the shower, at 3 in the morning.

We had fallen deeply in love, the type of love that you only believe exists in movies.

Turns out, we weren’t the only ones. Calla and Rova got together only a week later, which we had found out about by walking in on them having celebratory sex.

We all graduated from that highschool, after many many detentions together for sneaking out and what not.

I had been sent back to the United States after I graduated, but managed to come back after that summer. Jayden and I survived the long distance, I know, shocker.

We all live in a flat in London, which can be unfortutnate whenever Jayden and I want to have sex and can’t because Rova and Calla are arguing about the Cars movies again in the room over.

Yes, it’s been half a decade and they still obsess over it.

We all go to university together, Jayden is studying art. Because as it turns out, he is an amazing artist. Who would’ve known?

Rova is studying English to become a teacher, Calla is studying photography and I switch my major every month I swear. I just can’t decide–very typical of me.

Jayden and I are getting our own place soon.

We aren’t as far into our dream life yet, we haven’t gotten any dogs or cats yet.

But, we have a fish named Ollie.

May I offer you some advice? I know you're probably thinking ‘no, advice from strangers is never helpful.’ But, speaking as someone who has been through everything imaginable, I think my advice is worth something.

I have been through hell and back.

I don’t have a mother or father, at least anymore. My sister might as well be dead, and for a while I wish I was dead too. 

But turns out being sent to London wasn’t the worst thing that ever happened to me, like I thought it was back when I was 17. It was a gift, really. I’m glad I got sent away to the boarding school that I thought was hell.

I’m glad I decided to trust my roommate and his friends.

Because now, I have a boyfriend of 5 years, two of the bestest friends I could ever ask for, and a fish named Ollie.

Trust that things will get better.

Trust that love does exist, but it can just be hard to find.

Trust that you are worth it, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Don’t be stupid, don’t do all the terrible things that I did, because my life really was torture for a while.

But I stuck it out, and now it’s everything I could want.

I love you, Reader– Alex


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