Chapter Six.

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"So, how would you rate your first full day of school here? Scale from 1-10?" Rova asked as we walked to our dorm.

I thought for a moment, "Solid -3 out of 10." He laughed, he always laughed at my jokes.

"Jayden seems to like you." He said matter-of-factly.

I snorted. "What? He obviously has it out for me."
Rova shook his head. "No, if he didn't like you then he would stay silent. He just needs to get used to you and then it'll be all good. He doesn't adjust to change very well."
I nodded, understanding what he meant. Change is an awful thing in my opinion. It ruins everything.

"Well I wouldn't mind if he hated me." I said as we arrived at our dorm.

Rova gave me a confused look, "Why?"
"It would make things more interesting."
He laughed and unlocked our door.

So..Jayden doesn't hate me? Does that mean he likes me? I've never cared if people liked me or not but for some reason I felt the need to make him like me.

We had about an hour before dinner. Rova said he wanted to sleep, because god that man can get some long ass sleep hours.

I sat on the fire escape, staring out into the woods that surrounded our huge school.

I heard a tap on the window and I turned around, Calla was giving me a confused look. He opened the window and I crawled back inside.

"Why do you like it out there so much? It's October and freezing."
I shrugged. "I like the cold."

"Alright well we are leaving for dinner once Rova finally 'fixes his hair.'" He said putting air quotes around the hair part.

I laughed.

Jayden entered the room, running his hands through his dark hair.

"Your face is red." He said poking my cheek, "Oh and cold. Why the hell were you outside?"

His fingertip was warm, it comforted me.
Calla interrupted, "He's psychotic and likes the cold."
Jayden crossed his arms. "As do I, but I'm not psychotic?"
Calla smirked, "but aren't you?"
Rova walked in right as Jayden was going to beat Calla's ass.

"Boys, let's not show bad examples to our perfect angel, okay?" He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and guiding me to the front door, Calla and Jayden following.

"Pft 'perfect angel?' Did you see the way he talked to Madam Branton earlier?" Jayden objected.

Was Madam Branton her name? The bitch who slapped me earlier?
"Man that shit was crazy, I can't believe she slapped you! How did you not freak out?" Calla asked, looking over to me.

I shrugged. I was going to say that I was used to it, but that wouldn't get me very far in any friendships. Because who is so damn weak that their own father beats them? Who is so god damn fucking weak that their own father rapes them.

"Lexie?" Rova said, grabbing me out of my zone.

"Huh? Oh uh I don't know. I don't really get hurt, I guess." I explained. It was the truth, most things don't hurt me anymore after what I've been through.

Jayden's stare lingered on me for a moment before shifting to Calla while he ranted about Cars movies again.

We sat at the same seats that we had for lunch and breakfast, I guess this was their table that I was now invited to.

Then it dawned on me.

I had friends?
Were these boys my friends?
Was I in a friend group?

The only friends I had ever had were people I hooked up with for money or people who sold me drinks and cigarettes since I'm underage.

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