Chapter Two.

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The plane was small and crammed, I sat next to a lady that seemed to be in business of some sort. She also didn't sleep on the flight, her eyes glued to her laptop as she typed on some sort of business document.

I stared out the window the whole time, admiring the cities from above. I thought about how many people below were doing things that would never be caught.

How there was probably a man in the first city that we flew over who was a drunk.

How there was probably a woman in the second city that we flew over that beat her kids.

How they were probably never going to see any punishment, how they're kids are the ones who will grow up all fucked up and it's their fault.

Like my parents. My mom who overdosed on pills once a month and I as a 9 year old would have to help her up and walk her around to get her body functioning again.

How I had to deal with her addiction until she killed herself with a gunshot to the head when I was 11.

My mind stayed away from any thoughts about my dad, I still wasn't wrapped around what happened with him.

"Kid. The plane landed." The woman said in an annoyed tone as she got up and walked down the aisle to exit the plane.

I rubbed my eyes and followed behind the exiting passengers.

There was a lady that was supposed to be waiting for me by the terminal to guide me to the school.

She had blonde hair that was tightly pulled into a bun, all stray hairs were slathered down with gel. She wore a black business-pants and a matching coat.

Her crystal-blue eyes looked me up and down, obviously judging. But I'm used to that.

She wore a pair of thin glasses that stayed on the tip of her nose.

"You're Alex Ray North?" She said in a nazely voice.

I nodded. "And you are?" I responded with just as much annoyance as her.

"Willoa Turae, Ma'am Turae to you."
I nodded. "Okay."

She walked me through the airport and out to a black car, she got into the backseat and waved for me to follow.

"Who are you?" I asked.

SHe rolled her eyes. "I already told you."
I mocked her eye roll, "I mean who are you in the school? Are you a teacher?"

She shook her head. "Assistant to Madam Coronel." I assume that's the head principal
I nodded.

After about half an hour of awkward silence, we arrived at the school. I hurried out the car and stopped to stare at the hell that I was entering.

"If I run now, how far will I make it?" I asked Ma'am Turae. She cracked a small smile.
"Not very far, now hurry on." She said with her crisp English accent.

I groaned and followed behind her.

We entered the tall, dark, wooden doors and walked through the entry room. Her heels made a clicking sound against the marble floor.

She led me to another room, a desk greeted me along with an old lady who sat behind it.

"This is Ms. Rose. She will assist you with your schedules. Good luck, Alex." Ma'am Turae said as she left the room.

I sighed and looked at Ms. Rose. Her eyes stayed on mine for a second too long, annoying me. "What are you looking at? Are you going to give me my fucking schedule or not?" I spat.

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