Chapter Seven.

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We walked back to the dining room, Rova and Jayden were sitting in the same places we left them in.

“Lexie? What the fuck happened? Are you okay?” Rova asked, hurrying to my side.

I nodded. “Yeah, just freaked myself out over nothing.”
“Who was on the phone? Did they say something?” He asked.

I shook my head. “It was a police officer from back home. His name is Tony, and no he didn’t say anything.” Which isn't really a lie. He said nothing to upset me, the phone cut out before he could.\

Once again, Jayden seemed to have seen straight through my lie.
“You’re sure that you’re okay?” Jayden asked.

I nodded. “Yeah…fine thanks.”

The meal ended quickly, Jayden and Calla went straight to their dorm while Rova and I went straight to ours.

Rova claimed that he was ‘exhausted’ but I could hear the loud sound of Disney movies playing from his room


I went straight to my bed, and tried to sleep, unable to.

I finally fell asleep at nearly 6 in the morning. But hey, better then nothing, right?

A knock on my door woke me up as I slowly walked over to answer it.

It was Jayden

I rubbed my eyes with my fist and blinked a couple times, tilting my head out of confusion when I saw his face.

It was filled with the one thing I hate more than anything.



He felt bad for me.


My mind was going over reasons as to why, what does he know? What did he figure out? Or who told him something..? The one person I told about anything was Calla, who happened to be his roommate.

Calla fucking told him.

Jayden opened his mouth, but I shoved past him, Rova was sitting in the living room.

We made eye contact and he had the same exact expression.


I looked across from the couch where Rova sat to the chair to find Calla.

“What did you say?” I mumbled to Calla.

He opened his mouth but no words came out.

“What did you fucking say? Your fucking pathetic. I shouldn’t have told you shit. God, I knew it was a bad idea to have friends. It never fucking goes well.” I yelled, my breath starting to get caught in my throat again. 

Oh god, not now.

I shook my hands up and down, trying to circulate some sort of calmness.

I felt a hand on my back, Rova had stood from his chair and gone to comfort me.

“I don’t want your fucking pity.” I said.

“Alex, I didn’t tell anyone I swear.” Calla said, standing up.

I scoffed. “Then who fucking did? Because I told nobody else!”
“It’s a video. Well- there’s a few videos…going around…involving you.” Jayden spoke up.

My heart stopped. Videos? What videos?
“Show me.” I demanded, dragging Jayden to the couch and sitting down next to him.

“Lexie, are you sure-”
“Fucking show me, Jayden.”
He nodded and pulled out his phone, clicking a couple links.

It was a News clip.


Thank you for reading!

Short chapter ik, but the next chapter is very lengthy.

Chapter eight is out now.

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