Chapter Three.

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It was almost an hour past midnight, and Calla was still in my dorm. His mouth didn’t slow one bit, but neither did Rova’s. It was funny how their friendship worked. They both spoke a thousand words per second, their minds ran at ridiculous speeds. I hate to admit that it was entertaining to watch, their conversations were like witnessing  mind reading.

For example, this is the conversation they were having a second ago, before both of their ADHD brains rambled onto something else. 

“Best PIXAR movie?” Rova challenged.

“Cars, easy.” Calla said nonchalantly.

“No way! I was thinking the same thing! Wait no- Cars is a Disney movie.”
“No it’s not.”
“Pixar is the company that owns the UP movie and stuff, not Cars.”
“No, Up is owned by Disney too.”
“What? No- wait, doesn't Disney own Pixar?”
“What? Since when?”
“I don’t know.”
“Wait, what is the best Cars movie?”
“Cars 2. Easy.”
“No way, the first one is the best.”
“What? No- that doesn’t even make sense.”
“Literally how- I’m telling you man, Cars 1 is superior.”
Rova rolled his eyes. “Okay, Lexie, my boy. Which one is the best?”
I paused. “I’ve got bad news guys.”
They both froze. “No- don’t tell us…”

I smiled, they showed faces of horror. “YOU HAVEN’T FUCKING SEEN CARS?” 

And now, they are both playing a game to see who finds Calla’s laptop first, so they can force me to watch Cars, a movie owned by Disney.

It was 1 in the morning now, Calla and Rova were playing Go-Fish on a desk and had given up trying to find the laptop, and I sat on the fire escape outside.

I consider myself lucky, being in the dorm with the fire escape. 

“Lexie- what are you doing out there? Come inside.” I heard Rova call from the other room.

I smiled slightly, snickering at the boy’s persistence. 

I stood up and walked inside, sitting on the bed next to the desk as the two played cards.

“You should play with us.” Calla suggested.
I shook my head. “Cards are boring.”

Rova scoffed. “Not as boring as you.”
A ring of a phone interrupted our bickering conversation.
Calla picked up his phone and slid ‘answer.’

“Jayden! My boy-” Calla began but was cut off by the other line.

I couldn’t hear what the boy on the other line was saying, but I could hear that he was freaking out.

“Whoa- whoa wait, slow down.” Calla said in a calming voice, the other line did not take his advice.

Rova held a sad look on his face.

“Okay, I’ll be right there. Is it okay if I take you back to Rova’s dorm?” He asked.

I couldn’t hear the response.

Eventually, Calla hung up and stood from his seat.
“I have to go get Jayden.”
“It happened again?” Rova asked.

Calla just nodded.

“Wait what happened?” I asked, suddenly curious.

Calla looked over to me. “I don’t think I can tell you. Jayden doesn’t even know you yet.”

I nodded.

I understood. I don’t tell anyone my problems, and if strangers knew about them then I would feel all types of ways. Angry, embarrassed, ashamed…

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