Chapter Fifteen.

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“I’m worried about him.” I said, sitting down at our lunch table.

Rova nodded, “Me too, ever since we saw Jayden fucking that girl-”
Jayden cleared his throat, “Let’s be clear, I wasn’t fucking her, I was just..kissing her.”
I rolled my eyes, “Yes, very very aggressively. And after telling us about you and Lexie kissing and everything you went and did the same thing with some random girl.”

Jayden looked down guiltily.

“The poor guy had such a terrible history. I bet the only people he’s ever kissed are people who pay him for it, you were probably his first real kiss. Congrats, Jayden, you fucked it up. He’s ruined.” Rova ranted.

Jayden groaned, “Can you guys please get off my back? Besides, we never made it official and it couldn’t have mattered much because he went and actually fucked a guy.”
Rova and I both shook our heads.

We were obviously both angry with Jayden, he was an asshole. If it wasn’t for him, Alex wouldn’t have gone off the rails again but here we are.

Jayden didn’t mean to hurt him, he just didn’t know that him kissing someone else would hurt Alex.

Because he’s an idiot.

Ever since Alex stopped hanging out with us, Rova and I have had a lot more time together. I’m happy about it, really. Not because Alex isn’t there but because I have had a crush on Rova since we met, many years ago. But that’s besides the point-

“There he is-” Jayden whispered and looked up to the doors.

There he was, our best friend. Or I guess my ex-best friend now?

Alex looked terrible, he always looked starved and tired before but now–now it’s really bad.

He didn’t look up as he walked through the room, just stared down at his phone that he wasn’t supposed to have during school hours but it’s Alex– he doesn’t care.         

“Hey Daddy’s boy!” The same kid from this morning yelled from his table. His name is Nick, and he is quite obviously a perfect little angel.

Alex looked up and slowly turned around to face Nick.

“Oh no…” Rova mumbled.

“Beat his ass, Lexie…” Jayden mumbled.

I snorted and shook my head.

“Don’t call me that.” Alex said in a raspy and tired voice.

“Call you what? Daddy’s boy?” Nick taunted.

Alex clenched his jaw, it was obvious he was trying to calm down.

“Hey you never answered my question this morning? About your mum?” He continued.

“Don’t talk about her.” Alex spat through his teeth.

Nick smiled, “Sensitive topic?”

“I’m assuming mommy issues. Did she not like you very much? Was it because of how weak and small you are, or just simply because you are a fag.” Nick said with a crooked smile.

Jayden tried to stand up but Rova pushed him back down.

Alex smiled at the comment. “Mixture of a lot of things, really.”
“So you are a fag?” Nick said with a laugh of surprise.

Suddenly a new figure approached the two, Milo. The school’s crackhead.

I didn’t know Milo and Alex were friends.

Alex looked at Milo then back at Nick.

Alex walked proudly up to Milo and pulled him down by the neck, kissing him passionately and deeply.

I felt Jayden freeze next to me.

Alex broke the kiss after a moment.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure actually. Yeah definitely am a fag.” And he walked off.

Milo stood in the middle of the cafeteria for a minute, a stupid smile on his face and red cheeks.

“Did you know Milo and Alex were friends?” Rova asked the two of us, we both shook our heads.

“Well it looks like they are..more than friends.” I noted.

Jayden was obviously upset, he didn’t really have a right to be and he knew that, but he was nonetheless. 

“We need to help him somehow.” I said.

Rova tilted his head cutely, he looked like a puppy, “Why?”
“Alex is obviously going through something. But last time I tried to talk to him…it didn’t go well.”
Rova and Jayden nodded.
“Maybe he is just sick of us.” Rova said sadly, I shook my head. “No, I think that he is just going through a lot and people keep giving him shit about it.” I explained.

Jayden looked lost in thought as he mumbled quietly, “What do we do?”
I shrugged, “The Bryan brothers are throwing a party in the apartments a block down from here, if Alex and Milo are as close as it looks then he’ll be there.”
“How do you know?” Jayden asked.

“Milo will be selling at the party, he sells at all of them and Alex will probably tag along.”

Rova scrunched his eyebrows, “What does the party have to do with us being friends again?”
I chewed on my lip, “If he’s drunk enough then he’ll talk to us. All we need is one conversation.”
They nodded, now we would have to wait. 


Chapter sixteen is out now.

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