Chapter Five.

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I could hear the teacher talking obnoxiously loud, teaching her lesson. I debated not going inside, but I don't want to spend Saturday in a classroom.

I opened the door and walked inside, immediately making eye contact with Rova, he was mouthing "what happened?"
I smiled.

"Something funny about coming into my class 15 minutes late, boy?" The teacher said in a raspy old lady voice.

Not the hot kind of raspy either, it sounded like she smoked 4 packs a day.

I shrugged and let out a careless sigh.

"Sorry, am I boring you?" She said sarcastically.

I nodded. "Yes actually, so if you wouldn't mind, I'm going to go sit."
She narrowed her eyes. "Who do you think you're talking to?"
"Are you fucking slow? Obviously you." I said with an eye roll.

Suddenly a sharp sting met my cheek, she had slapped me.

I laughed, making her look at me like I'm fucking physcotic or something.

"If you want to hurt me, hit a little harder next time, hm?" I said, walking over to the table where Calla, Rova, and Jayden sat.

"I'm alerting the office about this immediately." She said, walking over to her computer.

I laughed. "Yeah, you do that. I'll make sure to tell them in great detail about the slap I just got."

She paused, and walked back to her board, continuing the lesson as if nothing happened.

Rova's jaw was dropped as he looked over to me. "You have a fucking death wish, mate."
Calla nodded his head, "Maybe that office lady was right on your first day, you won't last long at all." He said with a laugh.

I nodded, "probably."

"Wait what happened with Ms.Rose?" Rova asked.

"She told him that he wouldn't last in this school and something about him being Daddy's boy." Calla explained with a shrug.

"Oh are you now?" Rova asked.

I shook my head, "no me and my father aren't on very good terms."
Rova raised his hand for a high five, "No way me too!"
I laughed and high fived him, earning a glare from the teacher.

"My dad's dead." Calla said, earning a high five from Rova.

Jayden rolled his eyes. "What? Are you a Daddy's boy?" I asked him.

He shook his head with a smile. "Nah, he's in prison."
Rova high fived him, he must really like celebrating shitty dads.

"Wait what for?" Calla asked.

We all paused. "For real?" Rova questioned.
Jayden shook his head, "I mean kind of. Drunk driving and killed a lady and her two kids."
We all sat still, not knowing what to say.

"I think he wins for worst dad." Rova said with a nod.

We all agreed.

Even though in my head I knew it was no competition and they were just joking, I couldn't stop thinking about all the shit my dad did.



I looked to my right to see Calla shaking my shoulder. "You zoned out man, you good?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah sorry, I'm good."

We stood up and headed to the 4th period.

The rest of the day was boring.

None of the teachers liked me, obviously. But I don't care. I'm used to people not liking me and I don't blame them. I'm an asshole and I know it.


Thank you for reading!

This chapter is really short, out of character for me ik.
Long chapters starting back in chapter six.
It's out now.

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