Chapter Eighteen.

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Milo found a dark bedroom in the back of the hallway, empty and untouched.

I immediately started looking for ways to get out and run, but there were no windows and Milo was blocking the door.


He lightly pushed me onto the bed, making me lay down. He then crawled over me, his body hovering over my shaking one.

I was obviously scared, and obviously didn’t want to do this. But I prayed that I was drunk enough that I would forget this by tomorrow.

He began to kiss me rather aggressively, his hand going up my shirt and rubbing my sides.

Once again, something Jayden had done. And once again, it didn’t feel the same.

Soon enough, Milo’s shirt was on the floor and I was in nothing but my underwear.

Milo’s lips trailed along my body, not leaving the same warm yet cold feeling that Jayden’s had.

But his lips felt chapped and worn.

He reached the band of my boxers, playing with it.

I assumed I was going to beg for more, like I had done with Jayden.
But I begged for something else.
For him to stop.

“Please, Milo. Really- I don’t feel well. Can we stop?” I asked, my voice wavering.

He smiled, “It’s okay, Alex. I’ll go quickly.”
I didn’t want to be quick.

“No, Milo. Stop, I want to stop.”
I tried to push him off of me, but his body was trapping my legs and my arms weren’t strong enough to free them.

He shook his head, “You said yes earlier.”

“I know, but I don’t want to anymore” I didn’t want to in the first place, I just needed him away from Jayden.

“Be quiet.”

My heart dropped to my stomach, my voice wasn’t working. I don’t know why, but my body wouldn’t let me scream.

“Milo, stop.”
His hand reached into my boxers as I cried silently, looking up at the ceiling and just waiting for this to end. 

He moaned to himself, his hands running up and down my body.

I heard the door open, and he hurried off of me.

I didn’t move, just stared at the ceiling with tears streaming from my eyes.

“Alex, it’s okay.” 

The words didn’t comfort me, it just replayed Milo saying, ‘It’s okay, Alex. I’ll go quick’

A hand touched my shoulder, causing me to shoot up and back away, the person flinching back as well, surprised by the sudden movement.


Jayden’s beautiful green eyes staring back at mine.

I ran my hand through my hair, seeing Rova and Calla both making a very effectful but very effortful attempt to push Milo out of the room. 

They locked the door after he was pushed out, and turned to me.

The three boys looked much more than concerned, much more than sympathetic.

I didn’t even know what to call it.

Jayden took off his sweatshirt, revealing a plain black t-shirt underneath and handed the sweatshirt to me.

I took it slowly, and hesitantly put it on, bringing my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around myself.

I never thought I would have to put up with that again.

Jayden sat next to me, Calla sat in front of me and Rova sat on my other side.

Before I knew it, all of their arms were wrapped around my shaking body.

Whispering in a comforting way, unlike Milo, “It’s okay.”

“You’re okay”

“We love you.”

Sobs escaped my mouth, tears streaming down my cheeks. I was breaking.

All of the lies and the things I had done to protect myself, which had ended up hurting me in the end, were unraveling. 

I wasn’t right, the entire time.

Losing my three best friends wasn’t right.

I wasn’t okay, I hadn’t been okay for a very long time.

Milo wasn’t right.

They didn’t pity me, they cared for me. THe difference was becoming very apparent.

I wasn’t happier without them. I wasn’t happier getting high with Milo, or getting drunk at parties.

This wasn’t me.

The truth is, the truth that I’m just now realizing, is that I do need people. I do need Rova, and I do need Calla.

And I absolutely fucking need Jayden.


I love this book tbh

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