1 : Misunderstood

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⚠️ Cursing - inappropriate words ⚠️

Han Jisung's pov:

The sun rays shined through my curtain straight into the room.

And waking me up by shining on my eyes, I slowly opened my eyes only to close them again.

I was rolling on the bed and trying to wake up fully.

"what time is it..."

I asked no one in particular, as i was trying to reach my phone.

Though i was answered.

"It's 6 am, wake up already..."

I heard someone say annoyingly, which i identified the voice as my roomate.


He left the room after saying that.
I got up and went to the bathroom to quickly wash up and shower.
I remember now that we have a photoshoot at 7 am.

No wonder he was dressed like that..

Thank god i prepared my outfit yesterday.
Otherwise i would have been doomed.

Seriously why didn't they wake me up ..

"Han Jisung! Hurry up!!"

Chan hyung

I can hear our leader shouting downstairs, hurrying me...
I decided to not answer him as i was almost done.

"Are you still sleeping!?"

"Oh my fucking god.."

"Han hurry up for goodness' sake!!"

Changbin hyung, Seungmin, Hynujin...

I just sat there wearing my shoes in silence while hearing each of their complains and indentifying their voices..

And at last i was finaly done.
I styled my hair a little.
I took one last glance in the mirror then left rushing on the stairs.
It was dangerous, but I would rather not hear their complaines more.

When i went down i was met with diffrent types of their faces.
Some looked at me annoyed, others looked with glares, while a few gave a 'I'm so done' face.

"Took you long enough!"

Minho hyung

I guess i'm just that frustrating..

"Are you done..?"


He asked calmly..
Though i know he's just trying not ruin his mood.


"Then lets go!"

Said the leader, loud and clear enough for everyone to hear.

Mistreated - Han Jisung centricWhere stories live. Discover now