14 : Truth Unfold

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⚠️Cursing - inappropriate words⚠️

Author's pov :

"This was tiring.."

"I told you we didn't have to come, it doesn't even have anything to do with the upcoming concert, stop complaining"

Perth replied, having enough of Jisung's complaints ever since they left the place earlier. He was feeling overwhelmed again with how much eyes were on him and with all the whispers said about him.

A fight almost broke out between Hyunjin and one of the staff because they insulted Jisung. If it weren't for the all rounder who calmed Hyunjin down, they would have gotten into trouble.

"Whatever, I'll be up resting. Are you coming?"

"No Sung, I'll stay here"

"Please don't fight with them.."

"I won't"

The quokka like male just sighed and walked up the stairs painfully slow, his body exhausted to the point he can't use anymore of his energy.

While Perth just went into the living room and slumped himself on the couch, listening to the loud chatting in the kitchen.

"Do you think Jisung has already decided?"

"We don't know that, I mean he still has a month and two weeks to decide"

"Yeah, there is no need to rush right?"

Perth snapped his head to the three eldest males in the kitchen, he was confused, Jisung decided on what? Did they perhaps confess to his bestfriend?

"Yah, what are you talking about?"

The male asked, walking to the kitchen and narrowing his eyes at the three.

"Do you know if Jisung made a decision yet..?"

Minho asked, worry decorating his face.


The oldest asked with confusion lasing his voice, he had absolutely no idea what they're saying.

"If he decided he will leave or stay"

Changbin explained, but it looked like it didn't sink inside the oldest's head yet.

"Why? Where is he going?"

"God damn it, do you know if he decided he will leave the group or not?"

Chan grumbled, feeling frustrated with the male's useless questions.

"What.. Jisung is going to leave...?"

The Thai male seemed upset, he had a betrayed look on his face. And they almost felt bad for him that moment.

"Park Jin-young sunbaenim has given Jisung the four months to take a decision, that is either leaving the group or continuing with us.."

Mistreated - Han Jisung centricWhere stories live. Discover now