Smile On My Face

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Enid POV

I know I'm just a normal girl... but when you give the worlds most beautiful smile, it makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world... it was a rare view to see you smile...I just wish to be with for ever...

"Wednesday!" I opened my eyes in a panic looking around the room. Am I sweating? crying too? I took a deep breath.

I got out of bed, getting ready for the day. I  put on my shoes, making my way out the door heading to class. I took my time I'm an hour late anyway so why bother hurry?.

I walked in to class quietly to not disturb the lecture, the teacher didn't even question me or mind me, all she did was gestured me to take a seat. I took a seat next to Yoko then put my head down and ignored the teacher.

"why were you late this time? That's the fourth time this week dude, your lucky the teacher is nice enough to let it slide" I rolled my eyes at her statement.

"or not care enough to let it slide—i overslept that's all—anyway class is almost over anyway so who cares?" She just shook her head in disappointment "obviously not you" she said in sorta of annoyed tone

"listen I know—that—what happened to Wednesday hurt you—a lot-but it's been a month and she's okay right? Just please try to get better Kay? I'm worried about you" I just nodded and went back to sleep I'm tired anyway.


I ran over to Wednesday as she was walking back to the dorm. Class just ended so we have a free period—and I wanted to let her her know that I was going hang with the girls for a while.

"Hey wends wait up!" She stopped in her tracks, turning to me... smiling? It's small but it's took me by surprise at first.

" its..beautiful" she nodded with a light tint of red on her cheeks."what is it you wanted to tell me?" I shook my head trying to snap back to reality."yeaum—I-I—I'm going to hang out with the girls for a bit—so I'll see you later at the dorm" she nodded in understanding. "just wanted to let you know!" She hummed in response "I guess I'll see you later then" I nodded happily "love ya babe!" I said waving as she walked away with a red face and the same small smile...

—————End of  dream——————

I woke up to Yoko shaking me "wake up before I smack you awake" said Yoko frustrated tone.I groaned as I got up, grabbing my bag on my way out the door.  With her following behind.

"Enid wait up I got little legs!" I chuckled a bit at the funny memory those words bring up..Wednesday said that once.

I convinced her to take me shopping. She ended up holding all shopping bags since she insisted to—and was trying to keep up with me at some point she got so frustrated that she shouted in frustration. 'Sinclair wait up I have little legs you tall human!'

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice Yoko walking next to me. "thinking about her again—huh-?" I nodded looking down at my feet.

"Tell ya what let's go visit her—believe it or not she is actually pretty fond of me" I smiled at her "ooh?—really? last time I checked she threatened you for holding my hand for longer than 5 seconds and by threatened I mean threw a knife at you and told you to back off" she smacked my shoulder we both laughed as we continued walking to our next class.

The rest of the day went by as usual. Class was boring as always. Yoko and I were on our way to pay Wednesday a surprise visit. If you can't tell I'm really excited I haven't seen her in a while two weeks maybe?.

"happy to see your girlfriend~" I felt all blood rush to my face.."y-yea" she chuckled at my response as we approached the receptionist.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she said smiling sweetly at us.

"we're here to see Wednesday Addams" she nodded then typed something in to the computer..

"says here she is being discharged later today" she said as she handed me a visitor pass sticker.

I smiled at the news "really!?" She nodded poring down the hallway. "Down take a right here room 512, the room tag should be Addams" I nodded as we walked away from her.

I opened the door walking in then closing the door after Yoko walked in. I glanced around the room then turned to my adorable girlfriend who was sitting in her hospital bed playing cards with Thing.

"Sinclair, Tanaka... hello" I sat on the chair that is right next to her. "hey are you feeling" she gave me a small smile "I'm okay according to my infuriating therapist she also said I can go home today since I've shown progress and Thing has mentioned that he misses you"

I leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips "i missed you too" then there was angry tapping I look down at the angry little hand "and I missed you too thing" I rolled my eyes playfully at the angry hand crawled away " a hello to you too Tanaka" with a little wave at Yoko " Addams we gotta talk" Wednesday got serious "about what?" I was confused myself

Yoko:"well since your dating Enid who as you know my best friend we have to comprise I get the weekends and you get the weekdays"

Wednesday:"What why do you get the weekends?"
Yoko: "do you like going shopping with her?"
Yoko:"giving each other manicures?"
Yoko:we'll I do so I'm taking the weekends
Wednesday:okay but her he-!!
I put a hand over her before she exposes my 'heat cycle schedule' "okay Wednesday gets the weekends and Yoko you get Friday nights we can go shopping and manicure in one day" Wednesday slapped my hand away "i actually agree with this idiot" i let out a pout "but your dating this idiot~" she looked down trying to hide her face "okay but how is that fair she gets seven day and i get one? That is unfair" i rolled my eyes I can't deal with these two " she's right and if there in one thing I am is fair so you can have the weekends" i was too stunned to speak "great!!" said Yoko walking out of the room and shut the door celebrating "I'll get divina to keep her in during the weekends" i chuckled i knew it. I gave her a kiss on the lips it was long but sincere i slowly pulled away and mumbled "i love so much" she gave me a small smile

"As long as im with you I have a smile on my face"

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