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Wednesday POV

It was my Mothers burial. Everyone was crying but I couldn't get a single tear out of my eye. I was just standing there frozen. I still couldn't process what was happening. It's like I was frozen in time.

It was all my fault I wasn't fast enough I could have prevented this. Now thanks to my incompetence I am standing at my mother's funeral. I felt something tap my shoulder. It was my father who was crying. I may seem like I don't care about anyone but my family deep down I do care a lot. "Hey my little storm cloud..." I just stared at him "father I'm very sorry I was careless I got her into my mess i apolo-" he broke down in tears and hugged me tightly "it's not your fault it was an accident" I didn't hug back I just stood still he backed away from the embrace he looked at me I nodded. He walked back inside with the guest following behind him.

My brother stayed behind and stood next to me in the pouring rain "Pugsley go back inside it's raining you'll catch a cold" he just stared at the gravestone along with me "you could have saved her why didn't you" i looked at my feet  in shame i didn't reply he pushed me to the ground I keep my face emotionless "Why didn't you save her!" I tried to stand up but he pushed me back down. "I'm sorry" was all I could manage to let out "sorry isn't going to cut it Wednesday!" he ran away leaving me standing there alone. "I failed to protect you... I am truly sorry "I couldn't bear it anymore. I fell to my knees with tears dripping down my face " Please if there really is a god give her back!! Give her back!! I'm begging you dammit!!" I cried my heart out until there was nothing left to cry out. I'm not sure how much time has passed but I dusted myself off and started walking back. I was soaked from head to toe.

2 weeks later

I was back at nevermore by choice because my therapist Dr. Kinbott wanted to talk to me. I opened the door to my dorm to be met with my colorful roommate " hey babe..." I just stared back with a blank expression "hello Enid..." she approached me and opened her arms as a gesture for me to hug her i walked closer to her and hugged her tightly and buried my face on her shoulder we didn't say anything after a about 2 minutes Enid broke the silence "do you need me to do anything for you?" I shook my head no "just hold me... and please don't let go" she kissed my forehead lightly still not letting me go " wasn't planning on it"...

Enid  POV

I was having lunch with Yoko and the other's Wednesday was sitting next to me. She kept quiet while I talked to the group. It's been 2 weeks and a half since the incident. Today I was finally able to get her out of the dorm. According to thing she hasn't slept in a week and that she has been trying to figure out who her stalker is. I glanced at her and she looked really tired. Her eyebags are huge and if you look in her eyes all you're gonna see is sadness. "Hey babe when do you see the therapist?" I asked her softly. It took her a second to process "today after class Weem's is taking me" I nodded in understanding " do you want me to come with you" she hummed in agreement "okay I'll be there" I took a hold of her hand and just held it in a comforting and reassuring way.

No ones POV

Wednesday was waiting for Enid at the gates of the school and Weems was in the car waiting for them. She was lost in thought she didn't even notice her colorful girlfriend standing next to her. "Wednesday?" The shorter girl jumped a bit startled by the taller blonde "sorry didn't mean to scare you" said Enid while chuckling a bit "its..o-okay" Enid nodded in response making their way to the car. Making their way to Jericho to Dr. Kinbott's office.

The two girls made their way inside waving goodbye to Mrs.weems as she drove off to god know where. They walked inside and checked in with the receptionist who allied them in. Wednesday knocked on the door they waited a few seconds until the door opened to reveal the blonde women "hey welcome come in" said the doctor opening the door wider for them walk  in "you must be Enid? Wednesday's girlfriend right?" Enid nodded taking a seat along with Wednesday on the couch " hey Wednesday how are you" Wednesday took a hold of Enid hand and gave it a squeeze "its okay I'm her I'm not going anywhere" Wednesday nodded and whispered "okay.." she looked up a the doctor who was sitting down in the chair in front of them. "I'm doing just fine thank you" she replied answering the doctor's question who nodded "well I've been informed that you lost someone recently I'm sorry for you loss" Wednesday nodded " thank you it was my mother" Wednesday looked down at her lap "I see" she sighed sadly Enid looked at her girlfriend "I'm sure she's in a better place... if I may ask what did you feel when they informed you about the incident" the tired girl looked at the doctor in the eye "I was the first one to know she died in my arms I was in the woods trying to find out more about my stalker it was during parents Day and she followed me and we were ambushed and taking prisoners I was tortured that's how I got this scar on my face and many others on my body... in the end he cut the ropes letting me fall to the floor I dislocated my shoulder since it was a couple off feet up he killed her to torture me... I could have taken the bullet but I was too slow she died in my arms" what Wednesday failed to tell was that she ended up killing the stalker. Enid and the doctor were shocked to say the least "Wednesday..." Enid tried to say something but it got stuck in her throat "don't" she replied hardly before walking out the door with Enid following behind.

I am really tired this is only part one and I will make try and get part two done soon but i need sleep and food I will update soon hope you enjoy

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