Our Own Little Family.

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Enid POV

"I really do enjoy your company weds. Thanks for the amazing evening!" she nodded in agreement before turning to me fully, "would you like me to walk you to your door?"

"N-no it's okay! Its just–" she squeezed my hands getting my attention. "I'll get going then– message me when you get inside? Or ill be forced to hunt you down" I gave her a small smile, giving her peck on the lips. "Te amo" she whispered lovingly.I rested my forehead against hers looking into her dark brown eyes."I love you too..." She gave me what I assume was a  smile? It's small but it's there. "I should get going," I said, pulling away from her.

I opened the front door, only to be tackled by my two little angels. "Momma! Your home!" said one of the twins, Lucas , he's a lot like me, enthusiastic and optimistic. "Hey there little guy!" I said ruffling his hair. "Hey Mom," said the other twin, Jacob. He's more mature and has a calmer personality. He kinda reminds me of Wednesday sometimes...

"Were yall good for your aunt Yoko?". They both nodded grinning.

"Hey E! How was the date?" said Yoko leaning on the wall, smirking at me.

"It was amazing– Wednesday is amazing– never would have thought of her as the romantic type" she chuckled. "My cousin is full of surprises— she is an Addams after all." I walked past her into the living room slumping down on the couch. "Who's Wednesday? Is she our new papa?"  said Lucas excitedly, while  looking at me with hope in his eyes. "Do you want her to be?" his smile got wider as he did his little victory dance. "Jacob! We have a new papa!!". Jacob frowned and turned away from me. "When can we meet her Mamma!?" I stopped to think "maybe tomorrow?" Lucas smiled, hugging me tightly. "alright if you want to meet her then go to bed" Jacob nodded but as usual Lucas refused. "Okay then... jacob?" Jacob slapped the back of his head then started dragging him back to their room "OW! That hurt!" I chuckled.

I turned back to Yoko. "They really are a handful aren't they?" she shook her head agreeing. "Jacob seemed a bit angry, don't you think?" i took a deep breath "well he was was pretty close to his dad before he cheated on me, ajax might have been a good father but a terrible husband" she shrugged "i never really liked him, it was arranged anyway" she glared at me "Enid he didn't have to abandon his kids especially when you were unemployed" i shrugged as i got off the couch walking to my room. "It's fine— I made it, didn't i? And besides I can finally be with the one i love" she patted my back as she chuckled "you got that right!"


I was in the middle of washing the dishes with Lucas,when there was a loud knock on the door. I rolled my eyes as I dried my hands to open the door expecting it to be yoko. She comes over a lot to help with the twins, I appreciate it but she keeps forgetting her keys and I almost always have to open the door for her.

I opened the door annoyed,  "Yoko,you need to remember to bring your key–Wednesday?" she glared at me. "May I come in?" I opened the door wider for her to come in. "Is everything okay? You seem–" she cut me off by giving me a peck on the lips. "You forgot to message me..." then it dawned on me, I covered my face with my hand. "I'm sorry wends I was just so tired that i forgot" she took my hands in her kissing them both " Its okay amore mio" i smiled at the gesture. "But I do wish to talk to you about something"


"I was  wondering if you'd be interested in accompanying me on a little trip? A vacation you could say?" she said in her serious tone. "It would just be the two of us".

"Don't forget about me and jacob! And Aunt Yoko and Aunt Divina!" her eyes widened in amusement at the little boy who stood in front of her with a big smile. "Hey there little monster. Who are you supposed to be?" i turned to her worriedly "H-he's my son Lucas" her eyes softened at the new information "is that right... Well it's really nice to meet you little man" She said holding out her hand for him to shake, he reciprocated the small gesture with a big smile. "You must be wednesday! Mama's New girlfriend right?!" she nodded calmly "yes i am" she turned back to me "Who's jacob?" I gestured to the other boy who was now standing next to Lucas. She turned to him and seemed to understand the situation. "Enid may I speak to you please?" I nodded sadly knowing that there is a possibility that she might break up with me.


"So you have a family? How come I was the last one to know? We have been dating for six months now." i looked down at my feet being unable to look her in the eye, she has every right to be upset or mad. "Y-yes they are mine and Ajax's he's out of the picture, it was an arranged marriage by agreement of both our parents" she hummed in response "That's all I wanted to know" she said going back into the living room, she ruffling Luca's hair while grinning "If it's alright with the both of you I'd like to be part of the family, what do y'all say?" Lucas' smile grew bigger as he hugged Wednesday's leg "Yes please!" she patted his head, smiling softly. Before turning to Jacob "is it okay with you?" he shook his head "get lost, you're just the replacement" he said walking away to his room "Jacob! Get back here-" Wednesday help up her hand signalizing for me to let him be. "He has every right to be angry, he's just a kid after all" she guided Luca's towards me "if it's alright with you I'd like to talk to him" i nodded.


Wednesday POV

Enid showed me up to their room. "It's alright mi amore I'll see what i can do" i walked in the door and saw Jacob just glaring at the wall. "Hello little monster can we talk?".

"Do whatever you want". Tough crowd

"Listen, I know how you feel... you think I'm replacing your father correct?" he nodded, still not looking at me in the eye.

"He left me behind... he was my hero and he abandoned me... am i really not worth loving?" I winced a bit. I stepped closer, taking a seat next to him on his bed.

"Listen, I know how you feel being left behind... is not a pleasant feeling because... you think what's going to stop other people from leaving as well, correct?" he nodded trying not to cry.

" I know that feeling... I was alone all my childhood. People came and people left and in the end I was always left behind so I made a promise to never get attached and I kept that promise until a year ago..."  he turned to me sadly.

"What happened?" I let a small smile slip "I met your mother, she was able to bring joy into my life by accepting me for who i am" a few tears fell from his eyes as he scooted closer to me. "You have every right to not like i understand your anger" he nodded while he hugged me crying " how old are you little monster?" he pulled away leaving my shirt's shoulder wet. "I'm seven" I nodded "and when did you promise to never cry?" he looked at me with a shocked face "i was five...how did you know?" I chuckled lightly "i myself was five when I promised myself that... and I don't wish for you to make the same mistake of holding back your emotions... live your life to the fullest'' he nodded hugging me tightly. I simply patted his head comforting the boy the best I could.


A few months later

"Bye y'all! Have a nice trip!" yelled Yoko while waving goodbye to us. I simply waved back along with Jacob while Enid and Lucas were jumping and waving. "I'll miss y'all! Take care of the house!". When we got too far away Enid turned to me smiling " thank you for being so accepting" i gave her one of my rare smiles. "I was simply just returning the favor... you accepted me when nobody else would. Thank you for that" she packed my cheek. Lucas and Jacob hugged us giggling. Enid smiled while mumbling into my ear...

"Welcome to the family... our own little family".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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