Welcome Home Brat III

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Wednesday POV

It's been a few months since Matt came into our lives. I hate to admit this but I've come to like the little brat. But the only thing I still hate about this whole new arrangement is that dog, he just pisses me off. The brat decided to name it maximous and believe when I say that dog has it in for me and i have it in for him as well. I've tried to bring it back to shelter multiple times but Enid says that it's cruel and Matt will never forgive me for it. Like I care.

I am currently on a mission to execute this town's famous drug dealer. As I was about to pull the trigger my phone went off.Shit! Everyone around the drug boss pulled out their guns looking around. I tried my best to turn my phone off but when I did it was too late. They started shooting everywhere, I felt a sharp pain on my abdomen and leg. I winced at the pain. I pulled out my hand gun and pointed at the boss's head and shot him dead and all the attention was taken off me for a second so I made a run for it.

I made it to the main street. I sat on the floor to rest a bit. I put pressure on my stomach wound to try and stop the bleeding a bit. I Used my left hand to pull out my phone and called back the no Id number.

"Hello! Is this Wednesday Addams?" I took a breath trying to ease the pain in my voice.

"y-yea–t-that–me" she hummed.

"We are calling to see if you could get your wife and come pick up your son? We would also like to talk to both of you" I hummed

"I'll be there in say two hours?"

"Yep that is fine! Thank you so much" then the line was cut off.

I stood up slowly dialing my boss.

"Addams, is it done?" i hummed in response

"But I did but I did run into some trouble, can you send John to pick me up in Bulger Street" he was silent for a bit.

"He'll be there in the next two minutes lucky for you he's only a few blocks
away" i took a deep breath

"thank you sir i promise it won't happen again"

"It better" then it went silent.

I stood there for a few minutes until a white van pulled up and John walked out. "So the so famous reaper isn't invinsible" I glared at him "Shut your ass up before I put three bullets in your head" he snickered. He helped me in the van and started to work. "Okay i'm gonna have to pull out the bullets and since i have no to anastasia this is gonna hurt like a bitch" i nodded and brazed myself. I groaned and winced as he pulled out the two bullets. "Okay– there out now all i have to do is wrap your arm and abdomen–oh and give you some stitches" he got to work. I Did my best to not pass out from blood loss. "Done! Now try to rest...Also"

I stood up slowly "believe it or i consider you a friend so please try to not die on me" i nodded as i grabbed the suit he brought me and walked out the van "your car should be around the corner" i nodded and made m y way there.


I made it home safely, I changed there, then made my way to where Enid work's. She works at a bear shop. Apparently she likes seeing the little rascals smiling when she hands them their new toy. That seems stupid to me but as long as she's happy. We arrived at Matt's school. The secretary guided us to the principal's office and we walked in and he signaled us to sit. Enid took a seat first and I sat down slowly wincing a bit. Enid turned to me slowly "babe you okay? You seem a little pale". I nodded and turned my attention to the fat man in front of me. "What do you want?" i asked him coldly "sorry to bother you both but i do want to make sure that you are aware of Matt's behavior" i rolled my eyes "whatever he broke I'll pay you for tw–" he shook his head slightly "no–no he didn't break anything" i was about to respond before Enid beat me to it "what did he do?" he took a breath "he got into a fight with one of his classmates in the playground" i smirked "Did he win?" his eyes widened, and Enid glared at me "i don't think that is relevant" i rolled my eyes "i apologize for his behavior... and her's" i stood up slowly "where is he?" he signaled to the door i walked out with Enid coming behind me.

"Matt come here" he had his head low as he walked over to me and Enid. he looked up at me slowly "Am I in trouble Nesquik?"

"Depends did you win?" he nodded slightly. I smiled a bit "then congrats were gonna go get ice cream later or tacos up to you" he smiled jumping around. I turned around only to be faced with an angry wife "Wednesday.." i gulped "No–No–No–Matt stop jumping–you are grounded, no video games or tv for a month" i walked back slowly. While Matt frowned. Enid turned to me. Then jabbed her pointer finger into my stomach. She was about to scold me too but I groaned as I held my stomach in pain. I removed one of my hands from my stomach and it was covered in blood. Enid gasped "don't ask.. Just take me home please" she shook her head as she picked me up bridal style. "Come on Matt, we're going to the hospital!!" I took a breath trying to keep my consciousness.


I heard this beeping... is it a bomb? No, it's like a heart monitor, am I at a hospital?. I opened my eyes a bit and glanced around the room. Empty... felt some movement on my side. I looked down to see Matt holding on tight to my shirt. He was crying in his sleep. I moved my free hand to wipe it away. "He's been there since the doctor said you were clear, and that was an hour ago" i frowned "i did the same for like forty minutes but i went out to get some coffee" she said showing me a cup of coffee "Wednesday where were you today" i turned my attention to her "at wor–" she glared at me with a few tears beginning to fall. "How does working as a soccer coach leave you with two bullet wounds".

"Angry parents?" she glared harder

"Fine.. I guess it's time i tell what i actually do for a living and why sometimes i got to work so late at night" she took a seat next to me on one of the chairs the hospital has for visitors.

"I'm an FBI agent and I'm in the assassin group" her eyes went wide. With a few tears turning into sobs. "I know I'm not proud of it.. I understand if you want to lea–" she cut me off "what? I'm not leaving you I'm just worried, Wednesday you what people call a homicidal maniac, so i'm worried if one day due to your ego I'll have to plan your funeral" i frowned "ill quit" she looked at me shocked "wha-" i cut her up "no job is more important to me than you...and the brat i guess" she chuckled while getting up to hug me. I returned the show of affection with one hand "i love you so much wedn's" she pulled away, the pulled me by the collar of my shirt kissing me, a log sweet kiss, we pulled away slowly "i love you too you infuriating wolf" she smiled "you better cuz I'm yours forever" she said pointing at her ring, i rolled my eyes. "Nesquik!!" I felt Matt wrap his arms around my neck. He was sniffling "I thought you died!!" I chuckled and hugged him back "im okay brat now stop crying its annoying" he pulled away smiling and wiping away his tears. Enid came closer hugging the both of us, I groaned in annoyance. But smiled at the gesture.

My family... I found it again...


I know its bad but I'm just really tired.

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