Ill Keep You Safe

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No one POV
As Wednesday was guiding Enis out of the Gate family mansion, making sure to keep her behind her at all times.The poor blonde was screaming in terror while wednesday keeped her poker face not letting the fear noticeable. She may seem cold and heartless to others but she is still human which 'sadly' she has emotions just like any other living form. They made it to the basement, shutting the door quickly. Wednesday scanned the room looking for an exit. It took her a second as she found a small window that was big enough for them to crawl through..Getting up there was a different story. "Enid over there now! Use my leg to jump up, make sure to try and pull yourself up!" she instructed the blonde who was holding onto her arm for dear life. she nodded while shaking a little. The ground started shaking a bit then the door was being clawed. The blonde yelped and quickly did what Wednesday told her to. She tried to pull herself up as she struggled a soon as she was out and save it was wednesday's turn. But just to her luck The basement door was clawed open and pulled off its hinges. She tried to reach Enid's hand but sadly missed. She was shoved into the wall being held up by her neck. She gulped as the monster growled and pulled its arm back swinging it full force against wednesday's abdomen leaving three claw marks it swung again but this time at her face. She clenched her jaw trying no to scream in pain.
Out of the corner of her right eye she saw Enid crying and trembling in fear. She pulled her pocket knife and shoved in the monster arm it screeched in pain letting her drop to the floor in a thud. She huffed trying to catch her breath as soon as she managed she made a run for the window this time managing to get a hold of enid's hand that pulled her up quickly. Landing on her side she huffed in pain holding her stomach with her left and left eye with her right. She looked at Enid, who had a bit of blood from a medium sized cut right above her eyebrow "oh my god, ooooh my god wednesday!" she whispered, yelled making her way to me. In a swift motion she pulled off her jacket, ripping it and wrapped it around her abdomen making her hiss at the burning sensation. "Sorry! Sorry!" she apologized while scooping wednesday up into her arms and making her way back to nevermore.
Wednesday POV
I keep my hand on my left eye putting pressure on it trying to stop the bleeding. I tried to keep my conscience as it was slowly drifting from me.I managed to. As we successfully made it to nevermore without losing my train of thought as Enid ran up the many flights of stairs "you're gonna be okay! Just a little longer "I leaned more into her embrace as she was comforting at the moment. I felt lightheaded fighting the urge to fall asleep. As I was fighting to close my eyes I whispered quietly " I apologize I didn't mean for any of this to happen..." she kicked what i assume is the nurse's office "you have nothing to apologize for! I'm not the one bleeding out am I?!!!" she yelled "lord heavens what happened?!" that was the last thing i heard before i sucked into a void of darkness.
Enids POV

"W-w-we were attacked in the woods! I'm not sure what it was but it looked like uh um the zombies from that really old game with the plants and the ahh!! I Don't know but whatever it is, it is it attacked us!!!" I yelled as the nurse took off the cloth that was wrapped around her torso in an attempt to stop the bleeding . Once she succeeded her face turned into a sour one "that is deep.. I'll have to use the werewolf remedies!" I nodded still confused. She must have read my mind "It should stop the bleeding and help the wound heal faster, helping her stay out of a coma". I was taken back by the coma part. She poured the solution on her wounds, the wounds closed with a sizzling noise closing the wound still leaving three large scars. "That should do for that... the wound may seem to be healed but it only closed the first tissue. I'll stitch her up then we'll take a look at her eye" i nodded and let out the breath i didn't know i was holding "do you think..." without taking her eyes off the bandage she was wrapping carefully "she might lose sight from her left eye..." 'lose sight she will be half blind?' i looked up at the nurse "let's take a look at that eye.. I would look away if i were you" i did as i was told.
After she bandaged her up and stitched her wounds. She had bandages across her face while the other one was wrapped around her torso and some small bandages and band aids here and there from little scratches. "She needs rest thankfully she didn't lose a lot of blood... but her body is exhausted. She'll wake up by tomorrow "I nodded sadly "are you her girlfriend? You seem to care a lot about her" all the blood rushed to my face i looked at the floor embarrassed "n-no we haven't really put a label on it yet" she pat my back while walking away a bit then turning to face me "i would hurry for what's worth she seems to have three boys after her'' my blood boiled at the thought of wednesday being with someone else. "Calm down... she seems to only have eyes for you" i smiled "i guess that's kinda true" she smiled back at me "take your shot before it's too late" she said before walking out the door. My guess is to report to weem's.
I took one last glance on wednesday "i promise that from now on i will protect you and maybe right after this you might consider going to the movies or a nice restaurant maybe" i smiled sadly before walking back to my dorm.

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