You're Not a Monster

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This was suggested by no_blow

Wednesday POV

I was in the middle of class calmly listening to the teacher as he spoke, due to the events last semester and with me getting rid of Thornhill as expected she was replaced almost immediately.

I wrote down some notes here and there. I'd say I'm a fan of the plant analogy, but the new professor seems to not like dangerous plants.. what a travesty. I felt a tap on my right shoulder, I sighed in annoyance as I turned lazily glaring at the so-called 'tortured artist' if this foreseen school. He smiled at me as he handed me a piece of paper. I rolled my eyes, taking the paper and opening it. It read ' Hey wends, I would ask you in person but I decided against it so if you would please meet me behind the green house, I have a surprise for you!! See you then!"

I turned back to him, getting ready to deny him. Before I could even say anything the bell rang meaning class was over and it was time for lunch. He left the class quickly while waving and mumbling a 'see you there'. i rolled my eyes in annoyance as i finished packing and made my way out the door.

I might as well see what he wants so he'll stop bothering me. I walked around the green house to the back. I saw him standing there looking at me with a disgusting smile on his face. He was holding something behind his back. I stood three feet away from him and I signaled him to talk.

"oh–um–I–I just–well–". I crossed my arms waiting for him to speak.

"Spill it xavier i don't have all day" he took a deep breath

"Wednesday I–I– I like you a lot more than a friend, for a while now—so i was wondering if you would go out with me" he said pulling out a bouquet of roses.

"I apologize but i have to decline your offer" his eyes widen in what I assume is hurt? Pity.

"w–ha–why i mean you've been giving all these signals I mean I just thought". What did Enid call it– deja-vu was it?.

"What signals? Last I remember all I did was either ask you for a pen or for the notes i missed when i was absent from class last Thursday" i said to him emotionlessly.

I turned my back to him starting to walk away. "What else was I expecting? I mean a freak like you? being able to have feelings? Seriously, what was i thinking" i turned around glaring daggers at him.

"-and i mean seriously a freak like you really? You're a monster, Addams, a heartless monster. You do know that right? it was thanks to your existence the whole school almost died the whole reason enid was almost killed" my eyes widened, but quickly caught myself and continued walking away trying to ignore him.

"Yea walk away you emotionless asshole" i ignored him. And started making my way back to my dorm. Not bothering on getting lunch.


I sat at my desk trying to process what just happened, not like I'm phased by it, but am I really that heartless? I've been called a freak before but a heartless monster? Does everyone really think of me like that? Does enid think of me like that? What am I thinking of course she does, she was almost killed twice because of me. I felt something wet roll down my cheek, am i crying? No, I swore I couldn't be. I tried wiping my face but they just kept coming. I was so focused on wiping my face I failed to hear the door open.

"Hey weds you weren't at lunch so i brought you som–hey–wha–what's wrong? What happened?". I looked back at her. She smiled sadly while walking towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck while tears kept  falling from my eyes, they soon turned into sobs. "I'm–i–I'm so–sorry".

"huh–what you haven't done anything wrong–why are you apologizing?" I stood up slowly and wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, burying my face onto her shoulder. She was rubbing circles on my back whispering that it was okay.

"I almost got you killed twice" her breath hitched.

"what? No it wast your fault, you didn't do anything wrong why in the world would you ever think that?" I removed my head from her shoulder to look at her.

Enid POV

"I don't understand why are you so nice to me? I'm an emotionless,heartless monster, a freak as they say right?" my eyes went wide of pure shock. Who in their right mind would say to wednesday? To anyone?.

"Wednesday who told you that" she took a deep breath. "does it matter? It doesn't change the fact that it's true" i cupped her face with hands wiping away the remaining tears.

"Wednesday none of that is true no one is heartless you and i are the same we both have feelings a heart we just express them differently" i said kissing her forehead softly.

"you not a monster... you're just misunderstood... and i need you to get that inside that cute little head of yours okay?" I said looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

She nodded her head. i smiled at this and hugged her tightly, she leaned into me, I pulled away a bit before picking her up bridal style carrying her over to my bed. Laying her down then laying down myself next to her pulling her closer to me. I started rubbing her back in a comforting way giving her a few kisses here and there also whispering sweet nothings to her. I soon heard light snores coming from her. I chuckled. She looks so vulnerable when she's asleep."I love you wednesday"  before i was fully asleep i heard a faint "i love you too". I smiled and I snuggled closer to her letting the darkness take over me.


I know it's bad but I tried...

wenclair one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora