Welcome Home Brat

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Wednesday POV

I was walking back to Enid's and I's apartment, I just got done with my mission an hour ago. I was just collecting my payment, being an FBI assassin has its perks. I was about to turn the street corner. Until I heard screaming from behind me. A voice in the back of my mind is telling me to stay. I hid behind the wall. "Derik please!! Listen to me!!".

"No you listen to me Alisa, you cheating bitch!!" I took a glance at the situation, I assume 'Derik is the tall redhead, Alisa must be the brunette huh?. My eyes wandered to the brown haired boy that was in between the two adults crying. "Mama! Papa! Stop please!!" The father turned to the kid, he raised his hand. My eyes widened. I stepped out from behind the wall, I ran to the guy and stopped him from hurting the kid. I twisted his arm to the point where it would be easy to just snap his arm in half. "GAH–Wha–Who the hell are you!?" I kept my face emotionless. "I'm sorry to intervene with your situation but I will not allow you to hit the kid" he glared at me, I let go of his arm he groaned, starting to rub his arm trying to soothe the pain. "W–Well be going thank you" said the brown haired woman taking a hold of the boy's wrist and started to speed walking away. I looked around and saw a truck coming full speed. I sprinted, graving the kids hand with one hand and covering his eyes with the other. Blood splattered on my face and clothes. I had my back turned from the scene and removed my hand from the boy's eyes. "Hey I'm going to need you to come with me, okay?" he nodded...

(an hour later)

The police showed up and I stayed to make sure the kid was taken care of. Turns out the brat's only family was his mother; his biological father died a few days ago. "Hey Ms. Addams, can I talk to you for a bit?" I turned to the cop and nodded "Since the kid is now an orphan we'll be sending him to the Thornhill orphanage" I shrugged, and I heard crying from behind me "I want Mama!! Please, I wanna go home!!"...

(Flash back)

"Mother! Father!! Release me!!" I was six years old being pulled away from my parents, who were laying cold and limb on the ground. I remember that day so well we were ambushed by a group of burglaries that after getting what they wanted killed my parents in cold blood. After they were confirmed dead they sent me to the Thornhill orphanage, that's when hell started, all the kids were starved, we would have died if it wasn't for the older kids that stole the food from the kitchen. They also used us as slaves and worked us from morning to midnight with a few two- minute breaks to use the bathroom. When I was finally old enough and was able to leave. I vowed to prevent any kid from ever going there if I could.

(End of flashback)

"Wait!" I took a hold of the kid's hand. The cop stopped while I crouched to the kids level. "What's your name?" I said in one of the my least harsh voices "M–Matt" I nodded "okay matt how would you like to come home with me?" he smiled say and nodded "I'm sorry ma'am but that's not how it wor–" I glared at him as I stood up straight "I believe you don't have a say in this, see Sargent I will be adopting him right now" he nodded and started walking away. "It's getting late and I'm tired, let's go well stop by some stores and get you some clothes k?" he nodded, smiling.

Two hours later

Who knew taking a kid in would be so tiring. Matt fell asleep a few minutes ago so I'm carrying him on my back while holding two bags of clothes. I arrived at the front door of my apartment. I banged my head on the door twice. The door opened revealing my beautiful blonde girlfriend.

"Wednesday! Do you know what time it is? It's almost– w–who's the kid?" I walked past her and set Matt down on the couch and tucked him in. "I just met him on my way home" she looked at me skeptical "so I can't bring home a pony! But you get to bring home a whole human!" I signed "the whole reason you wanted the pony in the first place was because the guy who sold it to you tapped a street cone to its head" she pouted while taken a seat in the single leather couch "and your lucky I was able to get your money back" she rolled her eyes "anyway why is he here? where 's his parents?" I sat on her lap and snuggled into her.. Man I'm tired "his name is Matt, parents both dead, they were gonna send him to Thornhill orphanage" her breath hitched a bit then wrapped her arms around me "poor little guy" I nodded tiredly "I'm planning on letting him stay here until I'm able to find him a new home" she nodded while staring at the sleeping boy "yeah that's fine with me".

I heard a yawn. I sat up a bit still staying on her lap. "Morning you waste of space" I got a slap on the shoulder "Wednesday!" I rolled my eyes, the kid laughed a bit, "Who are you?" Enid smiled warmly at the kid "consider me your new mom and Wednesday...well whatever you want" I glared at her "WAH you're so cool and I'm going to call you Nesquik"

"no" I said annoyed

"Yes" I turned to her, glaring at her, she glared back.

"Yes" I said annoyed, the kid smiled.

"Okay it's late, I'm going to bed" I got up making my way to our bedroom "Nesquik can I sleep with you please?" I turned back to the brown haired boy "no" tears appeared on his eyes "p-please? I just–I—Mama used to sleep with me every night "I groaned in annoyance. "Fine kick me I kick back" he nodded running into the bedroom I heard chuckling from behind "you've gone even softer Addams I mean I had to beg you for weeks for you to let me sleep with you" I rolled my eyes "I guess I sorta relate to the brat" she smiled softly and walked up to me hugging me from behind I leaned onto her "I know your all 'emotions are for the weak and stuff' but what you're doing is truly amazing you know" I nodded and looked down at the scar on the palm on my hand "I swore to protect kids from ever going there" she kissed my cheek " I'm proud of you wends" I gave her a slight smile "lets go to bed now shall we I'm tired" she nodded walking into the room with me following, matt was quietly sitting on the edge of the bed hugging... "hey that's mine put it down" he nodded and put down the black cat plushie. I grabbed it and finally laid down on the bed. I glanced at him and he seemed sleepy. I sighed and opened my arms "only for today" he smiled and snuggled into me hugging me tightly. He fell asleep almost instantly, snoring away. "You really have gone soft haven't you?" I rolled my eyes "say that one more time and I'll have you head on a stick" she stuck her tongue out mockingly "whatever" she got in the bed laying down on the other side from matt she smiled at me. "I hate you" she smiled "love you too babycakes" I rolled my eyes, I closed them trying to sleep. Letting darkness take over me.

No ones POV

Enid snuggled closer to the two who were cutely snoring away. She sighed in content "I know we just met but I'm glad you're our son from now on and I'm calling you son because I know she wont have the heart to give you away to someone else" she smiled closing her eyes letting dream land as she calls it take her away.


I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you guys have any request! Or maybe want Part 2?! This was inspired by Buddy Daddies anime!

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