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Wednesday POV

I just finished getting rid of an infuriating pilgrim turned slowly and saw Bianca getting up off the ground. She had a bit of blood trickling down her head. She smiled and gave me a nod. I returned the gesture. I was  exhausted. Goody may have stopped the bleeding but the damage is still there and the arrow in my left shoulder is not much help either. I heard a click coming from behind me. I turned slowly to be met with the one and only laurel Gates pointing a gun at me.

"Brought a gun to a sword fight" she smiled at me menacingly " probably the first smart decision you've made today" she rolled her eyes still keeping the gun pointed at me "I might not get to kill all the outcast but at least I'll get to kill you" there was a loud bang and an agonizing pain in my right leg which caused me to fall back while holding my leg where I was hit. I winced in pain "but I think I'm going to have a little fun first" she said walking closer 'BANG' this time it was at my wounded shoulder I hissed in pain I tried to get up but before I could 'BANG'. "WEDNESDAY"  Bianca yelled from behind. My eyes widened in shock and I held my stomach in pain. I looked up when I heard Thornhill yelling and a few other shots. It was Eugene. Once she was on the floor I heard footsteps running at me from behind " Jesus you can't get a break huh!" it was Bianca she crouched next to me "I'll be fine take my jacket cut it into three and wrap it around me I have to check on someone" she indeed did as she was told.

I winced when she was tying my leg. She gave me a worried look before putting an arm around my unwounded shoulder "the ambulance is outside" she said helping me walk out the school with Eugene following behind. Every step was torture I managed to ignore the pain due to the adrenalin it was tolerable.

Enid POV

Ajax and I approached the nevermore gate where all the students were. I was glad to see my friends were okay but something is not right. There were paramedics all around attending the students that were injured but just scratches and a few minor wounds. I was looking for my gothic roommate "where's Wednesday" everyone was quiet I got even more anxious I pushed ajax off gently and walked closer to the gates. There were three shadows walking towards us. I squinted my eyes trying to make out who it could be. It was Wednesday!. I ran up to her and embraced her into my arms to my surprise she hugged me back. I pulled back a bit to look at her and she gave this pity look ."you okay?" she nodded. I smiled at her. She started coughing out of nowhere "Hey,hey,hey what's wrong!". She looked up at me and there was blood on her chin. My eyes widened in shock. She fell to the floor holding her stomach clearly in pain. "Where's the ambulance!" yelled Bianca in a panic "there over there! Come on!" replied Xavier startled as well. I scooped her up into my arms bridal style running over to the paramedics with Bianca and Xavier following behind.

"We got another one" shouted one of the medics "Here lay her here!" I did as I was told she was gasping for air. They put a breathing mask on her and some other things. "Does anyone know what happened!?" we all glanced at Bianca "three bullet wounds arm ,leg and stomach" he nodded as they loaded her to the ambulance "GET MOVING SHE'S LOSING A LOT OF BLOOD AND SOME ORGANS MAY FAIL" he shouted letting the other medics know what to do I saw as the ambulance drove away with the love of my life agonizing in pain. I felt arms around me. I turned to see Yoko "she'll be okay, don't worry Addams don't die easily remember" I nodded and walked back to nevermore with everyone. I went into my dorm, showered  quickly, changed and told Yoko to drive me to the hospital.

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