Happy Birthday

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No one POV

It was a Thursday afternoon, and as usual Wednesday and Enid were cuddled up together.
They were both really tired from a day full of projects and unfortunate social interactions as Wednesday puts it.

"Hey Wedn's can I ask something?" the goth hummed in response

"What do you plan on giving me for my eighteenth birthday?". Wednesday chuckled a bit at the question

"Well considering were still sixteen i am unsure yet" the blonde pouted

"Well I already have your gift planned out" said enid in a proud voice. Wednesday smiled at this, whether she admits it or not Enid was her world and she would do anything to keep her safe. She gave Enid a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm not very much a good gift giver but I'll try my best" the tired girl hummed in response as she drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight Enid, Te amo"

"I told you i don't know what that means"

"Go to sleep figure it out later"

2 years later

"Im sorry but Ms.sinclairs heart is not doing so well i'm afraid she needs a new heart as soon as possible" everyone was silent until Morticia  spoke up

"How long do we have to find a new heart? If I may ask" the doctor let out a breath before speaking.

"A week I will inform you if there are any donors but that is unlikely but I'll try my best to help" he responded before walking away. The family looked at Wednesday, who was very quiet. The ravenatte stood up and made her way to Enid's room while the others stayed put, knowing there was nothing they could  do to make the situation any better.  Wednesday knocked on the door softly before walking in and seeing Enid sitting on the hospital bed watching something on TV.

"Hey Winnie, what did the doctor say?" asked the blonde smiling at her girlfriend. The goth let a single tear fall from her eye.

"Wha–what's–wrong everything okay?-Wednesday your worrying me" Wednesday took a deep breath before speaking once again.

"The doctor said that your heart is um–uh–it's dying but do not worry because there is a donor and they will be here in a week".

Enid stopped for a bit processing the new information. There were tears in her eyes but she wiped them away as she looked down at her lap.

" So I'm gonna be okay?" Wednesday nodded , taking the blondes hand in hers and giving it a little squeeze reassuring her. The goth lifted the girl's hand giving it a soft kiss. The blonde smiled at the gesture.

"We will be leaving soon. I'll let you change out of this hospital gown, I'll be right outside if you need anything, okay?" the blonde smiled, and wednesday wondered how can someone so kind,so nice be punished like this? Why her?. She walked out of the room and as soon as she closed the door she broke down in tears.

6 days later

Wednesday POV

The doctor called to inform us that sadly there was not a single donor. I made an appointment to see them. I let Yoko accompany me since I need a ride and I trust her a bit more than the others. We arrived at the hospital and into the doctor's office.

"Ma'am i already told you there is nothing we can do im sorry" he tried to explain

"I am aware, which is why i'm donating mine" he was shocked to say the least he adjusted his glasses. And looked through the documents

"Very well just ill need either your mother or father to sign this" he said pointing  at the bottom of the paper.

"That won't be necessary i am over 18"  i replied signing the document myself he nodded and walked out with us following behind. He thanked us for coming and walked away leaving us alone. Yoko slapped  my shoulder to get my attention and she looked sad?

"Please don't do this we'll find another way" she said with sad eyes i shook my head disagreeing.

"My mind is made yoko anyway this will be like a birthday present for her"

"Im going to miss you... cousins for life?" she said holding out her fist
"For life" i said fist bumping her.

The next day

No one's POV

Enid was getting ready to head into surgery, she was nervous to say the least but found comfort in wednesday just being there with her. The doctor walked in with a sour face he was told to not mention who the donor was or else.

"Everything is ready, we're sending you in okay?" the blonde nodded as she let go of Wednesday's hand. Once they were out of the room wednesday let a few tear fall knowing that she will never see enid again. She whipped her face with her sleeve. She made her way to the waiting room where yoko was.

"Ill be heading in soon but i would like for you to do one last favor if you will" yoko nodded

"Go pick this up and give it to enid along with this letter" yoko nodded and was about to walk out until wednesday stopped her

"Please tell her that i will always be watching over her and to take care of herself okay?" she mumbled loud enough for Yoko to hear.  Yoko cried to herself as she left

"Were ready Ms. Addams" she nodded and followed the doctor.

Enid's POV

A few hours later

I opened my eyes and it was bright. I looked around to see if there was anyone around. I noticed Wednesday's family was her along with yoko. Wednesday's mom was crying along with Gomez who was trying to comfort her, pugsley was teary eyed along with yoko. I guess they didn't notice I was awake until I spoke.

"Why are y'all crying? I'm okay"I glanced at the room again looking for my girlfriend "Where's wednesday?" they all looked at me sadly. I am very much confused. The surgery went smoothly and I'm well alive.

"Here she left this and this for you," said Yoko, she handed me a letter and a black cat plushie.while crying. I took it from her confused. I opened the letter and began to read it.

Dear, cara mia

If you are reading this is because it all went well. Do you recall the time you asked me what i was going to get you on your eighteenth birthday? Well I thought that what a better gift to give you than my heart. I'm sorry for leaving you alone in the world but I could not live with myself if I allowed you to die. I'm sorry for leaving you but just know that I love and appreciate you more than anything. Live long and prosper. I hope you like the plushie I got you. If you push its stomach it has another massage for you.

Sincerely, Wednesday

Tears fell onto the letter as I hugged the plushie squeezing its stomach. A voice recorded message of Wednesday saying "hey Enid even though I'm not here in person just know that you'll always have a part of me with you always and that I will be protecting from harm... I love you, te amo mi sol" . I cried harder when this yoko rubbed circles on my back. "She said to take care and that she will be watching over you" I cried harder

A few weeks later

I am standing before wednesday's grave i come here a lot to talk about my day, i sleep with the plushie she gave me.

"Hey it's me...again I'm sorry if I annoy you I-i-i just miss you so much that- i would give anything just to have five more minutes with you—why-y is life so unfair" I whispered the last part as I put the flowers I got her down for her. "I have to go but I'll be back soon Kay?"

A few days later

No one POV

Enid was laying on wednesdays lap while telling her about her day untold Wednesday interrupted her "Enid you know that your dreaming right? Listen I know you miss me and  I miss you more than you'll ever know... I love you and I want you to be happy okay? I'm not saying forget me but just be happy okay" she whispered the last bit as she kissed the now crying girl's forehead "do you promise?" The blonde was sobbing but nodded "I promise.." Wednesday smiled as she started fading.

"Thank you, Te Amo"

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