(11) Audrey - REVISED

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Audrey looks up from her phone and frowned at the sight of Vren Parkinson waiting for her outside of the restaurant, flowers in hand

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Audrey looks up from her phone and frowned at the sight of Vren Parkinson waiting for her outside of the restaurant, flowers in hand.

She let out a calming breath. She just had a meeting with his brother an hour ago. Christian Parkinson is a fellow editor-in-chief from the floor above them.

He's not running a rival magazine. In fact, their paths cross several times a year because the Bachelor magazine is Sassy's brother company.

Plus, Bachelor is what Sassy is for women.

Several meetings with Christian Parkinson—that she can handle flawlessly. Maybe a few conversations with Cade and Matthew are comfortable enough. Lastly, drinks with Ichinandra and Andrei can be enjoyable.

Okay, maybe she's involved with the Parkinsons more than she let on.

With Vren though, she just... doesn't know what to do with him.

"Audrey?" Kylie's voice cut through her thoughts.

Audrey met her gaze. "Are we ready?"

"Yep," she answers with a bright smile.

They both climbed out of the car. By the time Kylie was handing the car keys to the valet, he had already made his way to Audrey. Vren giving her flowers is a lot different than the flower deliveries.

For starters, flower deliveries are easier to decline.

Although there was refusal in the back of her mind, she took the flowers with a thank you.

"So, how'd you sleep last night?" Vren gestured to the hostess who led them to their table right away.

"It was," Audrey frowned at her lack of words, "okay."

Vren smiled, showing off an array of pearly whites. "Good. How do you feel?"

"Better than last night," she answered distractedly. She noticed a few customers staring at them openly like fascinated onlookers.

The bouquet might have given away that this isn't a business meeting. She swore she heard someone drop their cutlery.

Audrey could almost hear what they were thinking: if it isn't a business meeting, what in the world is that cold bitch doing with someone like him?

She tried not to dwell on that thought.

Vren pulled out her chair and helped her in. She ignored the funny feeling in her stomach and looked over to Kylie sitting next to her. She was engrossed in her tablet.

He sat across from her. He offered her the same charming smile that coaxed her into going to his hotel room that night.

God, help her.

Audrey smoothed a hand over her bun. It was an annoying habit that indicates her discomfort. But Vren Parkinson doesn't have to know that.

"When's you're appointment with your OBYGN?" He asks, the smile never leaving his lips.

Luckily, Kylie answered for her.

"Is it okay if I come with you?"

Audrey slowly laid down the flowers on the table to kill time. "Sure. You don't have prior engagement?"

He shakes his head like a little kid. "My schedule's clear for the day."

She didn't know how to match his enthusiasm, so she opted for a nod.

The waiter came to take their orders and she was grateful for the slight pause in the conversation. Then, she decided to dive back in when they got their order.

"What are your thoughts about co-parenting, Mr. Parkinson?"

"Vren," he corrected.

She gave him a small apologetic smile. "Vren."

"I think it's what's best for the baby," he responded with a thoughtful look on his face.

In the corner of her eye, she sees Kylie taking notes as she instructed her. Audrey refuses to admit that she wanted Kylie to be there because she doesn't want to be completely alone with him.

"I must warn you though. I'll be very involved for the coming months," Vren continues.

"Okay. We can come up with a more dynamic arrangement once the baby switches to formula or, you know, become perfect to wean."

There was puzzlement on his face.

Audrey had that same confused look this morning. She had to ask Chassie about it. "It's when the baby no longer needs to be breastfed. So, we can make a schedule every week."

They both get three and half days with the baby each week. They'd have to change it up a bit during the holidays and important family occasions. Audrey has taken down notes on her 'important family occasions.'

She had it all down to the last detail. However, she doesn't want to sound like a control freak even when, sometimes, she could be. Now that the thought of having a baby had sunk in, she wants things in proper order.

"What about the narrative?"

Audrey blinks. "Narrative?"

"I don't want to drag you into a scandalous headline on a tabloid," he quipped.

Audrey doesn't care what the papers say about her. But she does care what her parents think. And she knows for a fact that what happened between her and Vren is tabloid-worthy.

Plus, her mother reads articles about her even though she tells her otherwise. Unsurprisingly, some of them just upset her. So, for her mother's sake, she'll get on board.

"I think they're already coming up with the narrative themselves." Audrey flicked her eyes over to the next tables. A group of women was already gossiping.

Vren's blue eyes did a quick look around. "Well, then we should go out more often."

Audrey rolled her eyes.

He chuckled.

She thought that it was his attempt at playful banter. However, he looks like he was sincerely waiting for her response.

Ignoring the suggestion wasn't an option, then.

Audrey waved her hand dismissively. "Whatever floats your boat."

"Is that a yes?" His baby blue eyes glinted.

"Fine. Just make sure to check on Kylie about my schedule."

He winked. "Will do."

Audrey toyed with her silverware as she worked up the courage to say what she had to say. "I only need one thing from you."


"I need you to come with me to my mother's birthday."

Kylie looked up from her tablet and stated the date for Vren. "I'll send you the details."

Vren nodded in acknowledgment to Kylie. When his attention shifted back to her, his lips curled into a slow and sexy grin. "It'll be my pleasure."

Audrey gritted her teeth.

She knows he's just trying to get a rise out of her like he always does.

And instead of ignoring it, Audrey lunges at the bait like a dumb fish.

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