(16) Vren

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Vren has considered himself thrown out of her apartment. He was having the surge of regret for jumping at her like an impulsive teenage kid. He's lucky she didn't resort to slapping him across the face. Audrey has repulsed his advances with a slight push on his chest. Or has he misread it? He definitely did. If he has not, Audrey wouldn't be on his lap, pinning him on the sofa.

His hands were on her waist and he stare at them, as if confused how they got there so quickly. Then very slowly, deliberately, he cupped her face in his either hands. Audrey's eyes broadened as he fused their mouths to a searing kiss.

Her fingers dug into his hair. They shifted to his bow tie, undoing it. Her blonde hair pooled around her shoulders and the sight of them brings back tons of drunken memories. She smells divine. He's losing himself in her. His restraint was flaking off.

Audrey arched into him when his hands started a trek upward. A nagging thought tickled the back of his mind. He can't do this to Audrey. Not when she'll be hating him the next day. He couldn't understand his sudden change of heart. He's had the permission.

His head is screaming – even going ballistic against it. Not with Audrey. He has to resist. It would take more than a pep talk on his part though. How in the world can any man in his right mind resist someone as good as Audrey? Her skin felt heaven beneath his palms and he wanted to touch her over and over. He's losing his mind.

Vren had his last trickle of control. He hold onto it like his life depended on it. Because it literally does. He can't afford to blow his chances with Audrey. He doubts she's the type that gives a second chance.

The door of her apartment opened. Footsteps followed. Audrey lifted herself off his lap, almost bolting toward the end of the sofa. Sure enough, Kylie comes in, juggling bags of grocery. Vren owes her more than a month supply of doughnuts. He considered extending it to a couple of months or more considering she just saved him from his chance-blowing self.

"Hi. I got you some groceries." She beamed. Her smile remains plastered even when her gaze lingered at Audrey's slightly disheveled dress and his undone tie. "I'll be in the kitchen."

Audrey was in her seat, her mask back on. "Don't worry about it. Weddings make people do crazy things."

He nods, an awkward chuckle expelling from his throat. "Damn weddings."

There was a hint of smile on her mouth he was just kissing moments ago. He shakes his head, struggling to get a hold of himself. She reaches for the remote on the coffee table. She turned on the TV, asking Kylie if she has any meeting between 8 AM to 9 AM. Her assistant appeared from the kitchen, a smile on her face and an answer. She surreptitiously glance over to him, her head tilting in wonder of his crumpled tuxedo.

He shrugged.

She shakes her head, making her way back to the kitchen. He turns to the TV screen and allowed the news to take his mind off things. "You don't watch something more laidback, don't you?"

Audrey doesn't answer. Alarmed that he was on a silent treatment again, his head swung to her.

She's curled up on the end of the sofa. Her hands were tucked behind her cheeks. She fell asleep. Vren sighed in relief. He does, however, hopes his behavior hasn't put him back on the bottom chart again.

"Audrey, your, um," Kylie came back in, trailed off when she sees Audrey sleeping in peace. "How long has she been asleep?"

"Not that long. Can I tuck her to bed?"

She snorted. "I'd rather she sleeps comfortably than have her complaining about a stiff neck tomorrow."

Vren carried her to her bedroom, relieved she's deep in her sleep. Kylie is walking behind him. "You know, I won't try to abduct her."

Kylie jogged past him, opening the door wide. "Well, we wouldn't want to bump her head somewhere," she whispered.

On contrary, she's right. Not that he won't be cautious though. Preemptive measures can be necessary. She walked over the bed, placed the pillows into Audrey's liking. He laid her down gently. The sheets were tempting as lying next to her.

Audrey rolled to her side, reaching for a pillow Kylie has fluffed and situated to her right side like she has known she would squeeze said pillow to her chest. Kylie might have known. Audrey sighed, her breathing slow and steady.

Kylie gestures to him to follow her out the door. She tiptoed, given she was wearing heels. "If the pregnancy has given her something good, it's sleep." She talks, her voice reverting to its natural volume as they close the door of her bedroom.

His brows arched curiosity. "Let me guess, she works late."

"Partly. She's always had trouble sleeping."


"Most people's reasons why they don't sleep well." She shrugged. "What matters though is that, she hasn't taken sleeping pills for weeks."

Vren has that rush in his chest. He's had that protectiveness toward her that he couldn't shake. It wasn't just mostly because of the baby on the way. Although she's met him in unfortunate circumstances, Vren wouldn't want any other way to have their lives collide. Given different circumstances, Audrey wouldn't so much as bat an eyelash at him. 

Happy Quarantine!

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