(14) Vren

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***Hi! This book is under MAJOR revision, so some things might not add up in the next chapters. Please read on with this in mind.

Vren didn't expect a text from Kylie at 7:00 AM. Hell, he never receives a text unless Audrey has instructed her assistant to relay an information to him. He's come to a conclusion that Audrey never does that herself. And now, he's been informed to not bother dropping by her office or if he does, he'll never find her there. Though he was puzzled of what could have been the reason of her not being there, that part was left out. It was only after lunch that he gives in to the urge of going against of what he was told.

As he steps inside the elevator and pressed the floor to her apartment, he's still in mid-contemplation. Audrey was too quiet after seeing the doctor. Although, she's the prickly type and that was her process of taking in all the stuff the OBGYN was talking about, there's an inkling in his gut that he couldn't scratch. The point is, he's worried. Maybe, a lot more than that.

Audrey might be tough and resilient but like him, he's still trying to absorb the fact that they're going to be parents. A lifetime of commitments that accumulated all in one night. He's reeling with the idea himself.

The elevator pinged. He look around and spotted Kylie in the hallway, bags were clinging to her arm as she struggles for the key. Shopping bags pooled around her. As if feeling someone's gaze on her, she turns to the elevator.

Kylie was not the snooty type. In fact, she was a perfect depiction of cute and sweet. She's like a fluffy bunny trying to tell herself every day in the mirror that she's a tiger. Kylie subjected him to a menacing glare. She should try it again when she's not wearing a watermelon Scrunchie.

"What are you doing here?"

"The same thing you were probably doing. Do you need a hand with these?" He looks down to the shopping bags.

She narrowed her eyes on him and finally unlocked the door. "No. You're not."

"Why? Aren't you checking on her?" He picks up the shopping bags since she didn't protest.

"You have no idea." She sighed. "You won't find Audrey here."

"How would I know if you're not lying?"

Kylie pushes the door open and gesture to him to go inside. "See for yourself."

The house was indeed empty. He paused to listen for any commotion. There was nothing but a hollow silence only an empty house could have. Her living room that probably looked like a cutout from a magazine, protrudes more silence. The cushions have been plumped and meticulously spaced along the back of her cream-colored sofa. Magazines were evenly stacked on the coffee table like it required certain measurements to put them in place.

There was no trace of Audrey.

"See? No Audrey. I thought I told you not to bother her for the rest of the day." She carefully laid down the shopping bags on the sofa. "Give me those."

Vren handed them one at a time. "What are these anyway?"

"Audrey was complaining she couldn't breathe in her bras anymore. She asked me to buy her new ones for her comfort," she says casually. "Apparently her boobs are getting bigger. That's what pregnancy does to a woman. You know that, right?"

"Of course," he answers in a nonchalant tone although his ears heated. He paid attention to his science teacher and even got decent grades out of it. Breasts are a casual conversation even more so as he grew up. What sets his ears on fire is that it were Audrey's that are mentioned.

"Is there any way I can get rid of you?" Kylie snaps him out of his reverie.

He managed a grin. "Tell me where she is."

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