(31) Vren

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***Hi! This book is under MAJOR revision, so some things WILL NOT ADD UP in the next chapters (especially in chapters that aren't labeled 'REVISED.') Please read on with this in mind.

I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH: it isn't an inconsistency in the plot, there's just a revision.

His knuckles made a faint knock against the door before his arm slid back to his side. He rereads the message from Kylie this morning. Audrey called in sick and demanded to not be disturbed. Like that would stop him from checking on her. The door clicked open, Kylie's head popping out. "I knew it would be you."

"You're developing clairvoyance, Kylie?" He quipped, sneaking a peek over her shoulder.

"No. You're making this annoying pattern of showing up when you're not supposed to," she replies flatly.

He fiddles with his phone before vocalizing his silent question.

Kylie had a knowing look. "She's inside."

"Oh. Is she okay?"

"If I say yes, would you leave her alone?"

Vren purses his lips as if in thought.

"Save it. You're not." She opens the door further and steps aside. "Living room. If she asks you why I let you in, tell her you held me at gunpoint."

He chuckles. "Is she okay though?"

"You men make my job hard." She muttered to herself and brushes past him.

"I take it the do-gooder still bothers you."

Kylie stops and looks over her shoulder. "The do-gooder has been less annoying. I can't believe I'm keeping a lookout for you in exchange for a box of doughnut."

"They're premium doughnuts though."

She sighed and continues toward the living room. His eyes swept the room, stopping at the disheveled woman curled up in the couch. Her head was on the throw pillow she propped against the arm rest. A box of Kleenex is nestled on her lap. Her silk robe hangs lopsidedly on one shoulder. She skipped the blow-drying today. Her hair being curly when it's wet and left to air-dry is another one of his amusing discoveries about the buttoned-up Audrey.

Audrey should look completely rumpled but for some reason, despite all the messes she was prim and polished. She straightened in her couch when she sees him. There was a searing gaze spearing him on the forehead for showing up uninvited again. But then she shakes her head in resignation as if she knew he would weasel his way in anyway.

He felt a magnetic pull toward her. There was rush of affection in his chest for the perfection and mostly for the imperfections of her. He was drawn to her.

Kylie exits quietly into the kitchen. She's been an ally to Vren. If he would even allow it, Kylie can be the ultimate wingman or wing-woman.

He was alone with Audrey. He took slow steps to her, his eyes steady on hers. He walks around the coffee table, stopping in front of her. Vren slides down to her level and reaches for her hand.

Her face is impassive but Vren knew her subtle giveaways. Vren kissed her knuckle and she blinks. It was one of the giveaways. "Everything okay?"

"Yes," Audrey answers in a clipped tone.

Vren stands up, taking the sofa across from her. He doesn't push her. He merely sat across from her, hoping she confides in him. He waits, simply because Audrey is not one to cry on a man's shoulder. It was strange that the more she makes it clear she doesn't need him, the more he wants her to. The same structured attitude renders her more appealing to him in the most inexplicable ways.


He searched her face. "Yeah?"

She looks down the rug underneath the coffee table. "My parents are getting a divorce."

"I'm sorry," he murmurs, stunned. Beth was perfectly happy with her husband. He didn't have the privilege to prove it with more than just one visit but he could tell. She talked about her like he was the perfect man.

Audrey chuckles humorlessly. "Me too."

Silence blasted in full deafening volume in the living room. It lasted for about a minute until Audrey heaved out a sigh.

"I've seen it coming," she speaks softly.

Vren holds her in his gaze.

She smiles bitterly. "My parents were not happy for a very long time. I knew they would divorce eventually. For years, I prepared myself for it. The funny things is, I knew it was coming and still I haven't reacted lightly to it like a rational adult should."

"Audrey, you're devastated and that's okay." He shrug, fiddling with his fingers because, for god's sake, he wants to hold her already.

She shakes her head, pulling a napkin out of her box of Kleenex. "I'm utterly devastated. Maybe over the fact that everything will never be the same."

His throat constricted. Another silence reigned. "Audrey?"

She glances up to his face.

"How about a hug so I can cop a feel?" He winks.

Her brows furrowed, shaking her head. Her face contorted to keep a straight face but a giggle gave her away. She flung the Kleenex at him. "God, pervert."

Vren laughs, the weight on his shoulders sliding off when her face lit up. He patted the space next to him. "I'm getting lonely out here though."

"I'm too sad to get off this couch." She groaned.

"How about we watch Beauty and the Beast? Will that give your pretty legs some strength?"

Audrey sighed. "Fine."

He reaches for the remote on the coffee table and turned on the TV. He searched for the film on Netflix and regards Audrey with an overconfident grin before hitting start. "You know, if you love this movie so much, I can be your Beast," he says with a lopsided grin.

"You look hardly like a beast." She rolled her eyes.

Vren rewarded her with a playful smirk. "Are you saying that I'm good-looking?"

"Whatever you say." She snorted.

She was instantly on the sofa with him, not quite close or distant. It was enough, he thought as he shifted more comfortably in his seat. It was enough to be her friend at the moment. He could do friendship. It's a part of commitment, or so he's heard.

Mark, two; Vren, three.

And then he felt a nudge on his shoulder while watching almost half the film. It was Audrey's head. She'd fallen asleep.

Vren smiled. He adjusted himself slightly, cupping her cheek and positioned her head firmly on his shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared up to him. He half expected her to scoot away but instead, she put her arm over his stomach and let out a little sigh. She squinted at the television screen, reorienting herself with the movie. "Has he fallen in love with her yet?"

"He has," he whispered. 

Don't forget to shower this chapter some love! Vote and don't be too shy to leave me a comment.

Also, if you have so much time in your hand, feel free to check out "The Billionaire's Countryside Wife and his Mistress" by Yas_Meenne143 !

Stay safe, you guys! XOXO

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