(21) Audrey

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Audrey gulped water like a swimmer gasping for air. She refused to take anything else other than water, terrified she might have to run to the bathroom if she eats anything. She can't afford her mother already suspecting she's pregnant. She had it planned out.

The long ride has made her queasy but it wasn't something she couldn't handle. The sight of her mother was a comfort. She has lost weight since the last time she's seen her. But then it was a long time ago. It was way back when her mother visited her for Christmas and stayed at her apartment for three days. Last year. Audrey hoped she's shredded a few pounds on her own will. Not the stress catching up to her.

She took the last swig of the water before filling it again. She sucks in a deep, calming breath before putting the glass over her forehead. The condensation trails down to her hands.


Her back turned ramrod straight hearing the voice she's never mistaken for someone else's before. She holds the glass to a death grip and turned to the direction of the voice. Audrey would recognize the hairstyle from across a bustling street – shoulder-length hair with bangs she's had since she was seven. Her round face that looked chubby during childhood had diminished over the years giving it a slight edge. The floral printed dress takes her back to when she used to wearing one.

"Rachel." She hears herself say.

She smile warmly. "It's been a long time."

"Yes. What are you doing here?"

Rachel Myers swallowed, uncomfortable under her frigid recognition. "I heard you were visiting home and decided to come and say hi. Also, your mother invited me."

She nods, going around the counter. "Okay. Bye."

"Audrey, wait."

She turns back around. Rachel stood by the door frame, torn between walking over to her and keeping her distance.

"Bye, Rachel." Audrey turns toward the sliding door leading to the backyard only bumping to someone coming in as she was going out. Audrey muttered a curse as she spilled water all over Vren's shirt.

"It's alright, sweetheart. I was in the way." Vren looks down to his shirt, assessing the drenched portion across his chest. He takes the glass of water from her shaking hand, his arm protectively going around her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Audrey has found a little comfort. Although she wouldn't allow herself to reside in it long enough to be inappropriate and personal. Especially when he's just merely playing his part of their story. Her neighbors and families are hooked in his pinky finger.

"Let's clean you up." Audrey looks down to his shirt, relieved that she has something else to deal with other than her own turmoil.

"It's fine. It was just water." His eyes bounces between her and their audience still standing across the room.

Audrey shakes her head, taking the glass back and placed it on the counter. "Come on." She clasps a hand on his wrist, leading him out the kitchen past Rachel who appears glued to the floor. Vren graces her with his trademark grin along the way. Audrey lets go of his wrist when she was sure enough he's trailing after her. They take the stairs to her bedroom that her mother habitually cleans. Vren looks around the pink themed bedroom. His blue eyes lingered on the floral printed wallpaper.

"I thought you are your parents' only shot at grandchildren," he leaves the door a jar behind him.

Her eyebrows arches. "I don't have siblings."

He gestures his hands around him. "So, this is your bedroom?"

"Was," she emphasizes.

Vren takes a few steps in her room, his hands going to his pockets. His shirt strained, the water making his toned chest transparent. "Take off your shirt." She blinks.

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