(45) Audrey

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Before you continue, please know that this book still needs a lot of fact checking because pregnancy 101 is not something I am an expert of. This means that the author of this book needs to have more research about PREGNANCY and you'll probably be questioning some farfetched information in the book. Again, I did not make some thorough research. Please know that is the first draft and will undergo minimum to drastic editing once done with "fact checking."


Audrey paces her bedroom. The pink interior slowly transitioning into an irritating shade because her room looked happy in contrary to the dread dwelling in the pit of her stomach. Her mother came over to her Aunt Gemma's house – the first time she went out of the house since she has been discharged from the hospital.

A revving car from outside snapped her out of her thoughts, reorienting her to the task at hand. The engine groaned loudly into a stop but she couldn't care less about it. She leaned her back against the wall, looked out the window where the sun was streaming in several hours ago. There wasn't any trace of it anymore which means she's spent the day fruitlessly.

The wall felt cold against her back. She gathered a calming breath in through her nose and scrolled through her contacts one more time. Swallowing the bile in her throat, she rings him. The soles of her feet were freezing as her palms. She hoped it will go to voicemail and save her from the embarrassment of hearing herself grasp for an apology.

Her heart leapt when he answered on the third ring. Her tongue decided to stay frozen still on the roof of her mouth. She wasted nearly a minute breathing on the mouthpiece.

"Audrey?" A familiar, masculine voice comes from the other line.

She closes her eyes, her heartbeat accelerating. She misses even the sound of his voice. "Hi," she says softly.

He clears his throat before speaking. "Is everything okay?"

"Actually, no." She slid down the floor, looking down to her fingers.

"Why? What happened?" Concern skyrocketed his voice to another octave.

Her lips tweaked up. "I pushed you away, that's what happened. Now everything seems wrong because I'm not with you." She didn't mean to sound suddenly wretched but she was on the inside.

There was a pause on the other end. "Am I hearing this, right?"

She chuckles, blurriness threatening to cloud over her eyes. There was disbelief in his tone but she couldn't really blame him.


"I'm still here."

Silence fell.



Her heart hammered in her chest. "Did you mean it when you told me you loved me?"

"Of course. And it's still in present tense, Audrey."

She bit her lip, her face heating up.


"Oh. Nothing," she blurted in panic.

Vren sighed on the other end of the line. "Okay."

"No. It's not primarily nothing. I, um, I love you." She buried her head to her palm as her face scalded.

"Are you turning red?"

"No." She snapped.

He laughs softly. "God, I've been having dreams about this every night."

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