(38) Audrey

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Before you continue, please know that this book still needs a lot of fact checking because pregnancy 101 is not something I am an expert of. This means that the author of this book needs to have more research about PREGNANCY and you'll probably be questioning some farfetched information in the book. Again, I did not make some thorough research. Please know that is the first draft and will undergo minimum to drastic editing once done with "fact checking."


Having her mother discharged from the hospital was one thing but keeping her company was another. Audrey sent Kylie home with Vren. The latter was harder to convince, no surprise there. He didn't go without a persistent request of allowing him to come back right when he sort some business matters out. And he wants his calls to be answered.

Kylie had to handle a few things for her. She notified Christian she'll be taking the sabbatical leave earlier than she had planned. He happily confirmed he will be taking Sassy under his wings with a subtle implication of amusement to seeing her assistant on a day to day basis. Kylie wouldn't be pleased about that but it's not something she can't handle.

Audrey self-consciously stopped by her mirror, her eyes scooting down the little bump that was starting to show. Her hand went over her belly. It's grown a subconscious habit. The corners of her lips tugged upward into a little smile. It was the only time of the day she was slightly less troubled. She pulled the hem of her t-shirt, hoping it's not too short and went straight to her parents' bedroom to check on her mother.

It's been three days since she was allowed to come home. Her aunts take turns helping out even though Audrey resisted. Their house used to be quiet when she was young. But it wasn't the lonely kind. Not like the way it's been in two days she was there. Her mom doesn't want to see her dad. She doesn't want him anywhere near her. It was the first time she saw her mother ravel out the sweet and charming character. With a heavy heart, she watched her morphed into an unkempt bitterness. All those years ago, she kept it all inside. Now it sucked all the cheer of her smiles.

Her mother was on her side of the bed. Her dad's was empty for... she doesn't even know when he moved out. She offered to sleep next to her but her mother cupped her face with a solemn request to be left in peace – even just in her sleep. But she wakes up crying in the morning because she was alone.

Audrey saw her shoulders shaking. She knew she was crying and trying to keep the sound to herself unlike the first morning she's woken up. It has worried Audrey she refused to leave her side the entire day. She gripped the knob, leaning on the door frame as she just stood there while she weeps. Her mom would prefer her pretending not to know about it. Including the few tears she shed in the last two days. Today was the third but Audrey knew the tears wouldn't dry then. However, like the previous days, she padded quietly toward the bed and held her mother close.

She would cling to her. No more pills to relieve her from the agony. Her nights were terrorized – so is her mornings. Beth Danler would apologize for having disturbed her from sleep. She starts with soft sniffles to hysterical sobs. She says Lenard never really loved her. That all these years he's never tried to reciprocate her devotion to their marriage.

They would echo inside the room like a broken record. It almost pushes her to the edge every time. Her mother was devoted to her and to her dad. She's witnessed it every day of her childhood memories. The crying would wear her out and she will drift back to sleep.

Audrey holds her a little longer then leaves. She lies in the couch, then it was her turn to cry. She keeps tabs on her staff through Kylie, glad to have her mind off things even just for a while.

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