(28) Audrey

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Audrey swung her legs off the bed, her hand clutching her mouth. It took her a while to panic that this was not her room. But then she was more panicked in finding the bathroom. She lurched forward, completely out of his bed and heaved her stomach empty on the toilet bowl. She tries to keep her hair from getting in the way but the retching makes it harder a thousandfold.

A hand clasped around her shoulder, the other collecting the stubborn locks of her hair behind her head. He was on the tiled floor with her, comforting her. She was immediately pulled into his chest as soon as she was done emptying her stomach. His hand strokes her back.

Audrey closes her eyes, acknowledging the unfamiliar bathroom, the bedroom she just ran from and the bed she spent the whole night sleeping in. Her mind made a flashback to how she ended up in his penthouse. Although not for reasons she once had waking up in his hotel bed. She may have given in when he offers her to watch a movie at his place. He's way closer from the venue. She remembers watching Enchanted but what happened after Amy Adams sang 'That's How You Know,' will remain a mystery to her because she had her eyes closed by that time.

"Don't freak out. It's eight in the morning," Vren says in a lowered voice.

She blinks. "Wait, what?"

He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You can take a shower. Kylie is on her way and by the time you're done she will be here with your clothes."

Audrey bit her lip to keep herself from gaping. He has planned ahead.

"I got us bagels. Would you and the baby want that for breakfast?" He grins, his blue eyes twinkling.

She clears throat. "Bagel sounds good."

"All right, then." He left a resounding peck on her forehead and helped her up. "You need help in the shower?"

Audrey slaps his arm. "God, you can't be a gentleman for five minutes straight."

"I find it hard around you." He winks, enticing her with his trademark grin.

"Out." She jabs a hand to the direction of the bedroom door.

He puts his hand in the air as if in surrender. "Okay. I have extra everything in that bathroom. And I have two extra hands if you need help."

"Out," she repeated. "You can use those hands to make me a cup of coffee."

He does a salute before leaving the bedroom. Audrey shakes her head and reaches behind her to undo the zipper. Vren is a gentleman. She just doesn't want to let that go straight to his head and inflate an already gigantic ego.

Her clothes were on the bed when she got out from the shower. She dressed as quickly as she could and transferred the contents of her clutch from last night to the handbag that Kylie brought along. She padded quietly out of the bedroom. She made the bed and has registered the view of the city from up his bedroom.

Vren and Kylie were in the kitchen debating over her coffee. Their conversation trickled off when she stepped in. She felt a rush when he meets her with a smile which didn't budge when she didn't return it. "Where's this bagel? I'm starving."

He motioned to the ring-shaped roll on the plate. "One large bagel already waiting for you."

"Large? Why?" She walks in the kitchen and slide on the stool behind the kitchen island.

"Yeah. You're eating for two."

Kylie made a face. "That was sweet coming from you."

"Thanks." Audrey rewards him with a smile.

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