(23) Audrey

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***Hi! This book is under MAJOR revision, so some things WILL NOT ADD UP in the next chapters (especially in chapters that aren't labeled 'REVISED.') Please read on with this in mind.

I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH: it isn't an inconsistency in the plot, there's just a revision.

Audrey's phone has been ringing non-stop since she stormed out of Vren's car in a haste to a meeting. He's chased her from the parking garage of her office building, stepping back from the elevator when she warned him with a menacing glare. She only needed to self-soothe. She's felt his eyes on her the entire ride back and they reflected his urge to comfort her. Audrey has endured heartaches her whole life not in the comforts of others. She's learned touch can only encourage more tears. More tears meant the need to be constantly consoled.

She's put her phone on silent when she has finally tucked herself to bed. It was already way past midnight though. She made a quick run toward the bathroom in the morning, surprised she managed to empty her stomach despite of her lack of appetite yesterday. She took a cold shower and covered the dark circles under her eyes. When she entered the conference room for the story assignments with her writers, she was an inch away to overlooking the events from the day before.

Kylie has recited to her the meetings she canceled yesterday and instructed to reschedule. She's brought in her black coffee while indulging herself on a doughnut she has seen on her desk. "Thanks." She inhaled the steam, relieved that it somehow awakened the remaining dormant cells in her body.

"How was your visit?" She laid a bouquet of flowers to the left side of her desk. The first delivery.

Audrey slumped back on her swivel chair.

"That bad, huh? Do you want me to squeeze in a few more appointments for the day?"

She shakes her head. She's eager to take her mind off things. However, she is not desperate to overwork herself. As strangely as it still sounds to her, she's about to have a baby. A baby that will take the brunt of a negligent attempt to blank herself out. She's slowly coming to terms with the thought.

"I thought Vren was with you." Kylie examines the wilting flowers on the vase. "You want me to get rid of these?"

"Yes. You do that."

"Okay." She smiles, taking the vase off her desk. "Oh, and he's been calling me all night. Is everything all right?"

She watches her disappeared to the door of her bathroom. Audrey didn't bother a reply. Her assistant came back, the vase cleaned and has fresh water swirling inside. "Do you remember that one stupid mistake I did days ago where I apparently crossed Bachelor's editor in chief?"

Audrey sighed, finally at ease that Kylie knew when to not push a topic. "I do. And that wasn't stupid or mistake. Get drunk and sleep with a stranger without protection - now that's stupid and definitely a mistake."

She giggles. "Look at the bright side though. You're having a baby. I mean, Sassy was your first baby but this is different. This baby is going to call you mommy."

She almost choke on her coffee.

"Sorry. Too soon."

Audrey waves her hand in dismissal. "What about Christian Parkinson?"

"He, um, he came looking for you yesterday. I told him you weren't around. And then he started asking what my name is. I think I might have went a little gorilla on him until he gave up. Please, tell me this doesn't affect my job."

She laughs - the first time she did since yesterday. "If Christian Parkinson hits on you, you can go downright cuckoo on him. That isn't part of your job."

Kylie actually let out a sigh. "Okay, that sounds relieving." She puts the newly delivered bouquet to the vase before filling in the silence. "You still take your prenatal vitamins, right?"

"Yes. Why?"

She arranges the flowers better than Audrey does. "Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

"You're taking care of me." She shrugged.

Kylie smiles. "I know. But you know what I mean." She steps back, head tilting to one side as she assessed her handiwork. "I'll be in my desk if you need anything."

Audrey nods, turning to her monitor.

Her assistant leaves her in peace. Halfway through scrolling through unread emails, Kylie came back with Vren towing behind. Sensing the bizarre tension between them, Kylie bolted back outside and closed the door. Audrey doesn't understand why her assistant didn't give him a hard time before letting him in. Her desk was usually a nonindulgent checkpoint to any visitors. Not that she had many. The day she had to deal with one was when she woke up next to Vren Parkinson in his hotel room. She's sensing a little conspiracy but presumptuous is not her field.

"Good morning, Audrey." Vren walks over to his desk, hands in his pockets. There were dark rings underneath his eyes. He didn't sleep either.

Audrey looks up from her computer, her back suddenly tensed.

"You really need to answer my calls at some point." He lowered himself to the chair behind her desk and cracked his neck.

"You have nothing to worry about the baby." She looks at him in a brief scrutiny to his profile.

He pinches the bridge of his nose, frustrated. "Well, tough luck. I was also worried about you."

Audrey's mouth slightly parted from the lack of speech. She shifted in her seat and urged her mouth to close when his gaze wafted over to her face. She stares back at him, successfully sparing herself from looking like a gaping idiot.

"God, you're driving me crazy." Vren broke eye contact when his blue eyes darted up to the ceiling in exasperation.

She raked her gaze over him and wondered where his easy charm and cocky smile had gone. She's always one to figure people out. She's better on acquaintances. Terrible at people she's emotionally compromised with.

"I'm missing something here, aren't I?" Vren has that look of someone utterly clueless and is indignant about it.

She kept a level-headed face she mastered years after years of having to grow some thick skin. She doesn't say a word. To him it was probably just her casual silence. But really, she just doesn't know what to say. She just doesn't know what to make of him. Not when he's not being annoying.

He sighed. "Listen, I know it's not my place to make you feel the need to tell me. Just let me know that you're okay."

"Fine." Audrey relented.

I squint at the gold sun rays crawling in. A book in hand, I walked over to the window and looked out to the world outside. The sun peeks behind the skyscrapers ahead, sinking further into the horizon. I flopped down the couch by the window and reopened the book, to the pages where I left off. The streets weren't as loud in the morning. It's quieter in the afternoon - peaceful right before sundown. SORRY, GUYS. HAD TO VISUALIZE MY HAPPY PLACE TO KEEP MYSELF SANE.

Anyways, happy reading! Keep those votes and comments coming. If you have so much time in your hand and doesn't know how else to spend it, feel free to check out EVELYN by my dearest friend mabof28! XOXO

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