(25) Vren

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***Hi! This book is under MAJOR revision, so some things WILL NOT ADD UP in the next chapters (especially in chapters that aren't labeled 'REVISED.') Please read on with this in mind.

I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH: it isn't an inconsistency in the plot, there's just a revision.

Vren handed her the bowl of popcorn just when the opening credits of Frozen 2 started. She shakes her head and gestures at the box of pizza next to the cupcakes he's brought along in case she's craving something sweet. If she answered his calls to have somebody bring her food, Vren is thanking their baby for her cravings. He hands her a slice and he half-expected her to take one ugly bite because she appeared to be famish when she opened the door.

Audrey sunk her teeth into the crust and worked her way to the pointed tip. It wasn't supposed to be an elegant bite. The string of cheese dangling on her chin that she peeled off and ushered to her mouth were poorly a turnoff. "So what's this sequel all about? Are you gonna tell me or what?"

"And ruin the surprise? No way." He grinned.

She leans over, picking two popcorns on the bowl and flicked it to his forehead. "Selfish turd."

He chuckles. "Still hate surprises?"

Audrey glares at him. It would have been menacing if it weren't for the icing on the corner of her lips from the cupcakes. "Bite me."

"Is that another visitation? I'm gonna have to grab it before it expires." He wags his brows.

She rolled her eyes, dabbing her lips with the napkin. She didn't have a witty comeback. Maybe an insult she doesn't really mean but she just needed to shut him off. Audrey tightened the knot of her robe as if in thought. "Vren?"


She meets his gaze. "You were right about missing something."

Vren doesn't like it when she's talking to him without a frown on her face. Nothing good comes off the conversation. He's either getting iced or she's walking out on him. The thrill is killing him. Since when did he hates surprises anyway?

"Remember the guy from yesterday?" She asks.

He gulped. "Mark Sinclair."

"Mark Sinclair and I used to be engaged." Audrey says nonchalantly.

Vren felt cold water pouring over him. It was one thing to know they used to know each other. It was another level to know they were intimate. He couldn't dismiss the idea that he was right about Audrey being into a goody two shoes like him. Of course, she would've liked someone she can rely to. And stodgy bastards like Mark Sinclair sure is reliable.

Mark Sinclair, one; Vren, zero.

"Audrey, I didn't mean to make you feel obliged to tell me. You don't have to if you don't want to. I'll respect it if you don't want me asking some specifics about your life. I understand that there are off-limits." At least Vren could show some understanding and maturity to make up for it. Even if not knowing would be the death of him.

It makes it a tie.

Mark Sinclair, one; Vren, one.

Her perfect brows shot up. "No one is obliging anyone. Besides, we can't be total strangers while co-parenting."

Oh. She's not trying to get rid of him after all. "You have a point." He clears his throat. "It would be easier if we don't fight each other."

Audrey nods, turning to the movie. "How?"


"People don't change their lifestyle overnight. We're about to have a baby. You might not be able to party all night every week. At some point, you're gonna have to stay at home with the baby – more often than I'm implying, by the way. And you're probably going to be sick of my face. Because this," she points to herself, "is the closest thing you're going to get to a 'hot chick at the club.'"

Audrey is hot, all right. Regardless of her skepticism toward the idea. And she doesn't need to be at a specific place like the club to try. Vren can't recall the last time he's hung out in the club. It was way before Kathie and his brother's wedding. He's been turning down invitations for quite a while.

"They can with the right motivation. Just need a little benefit of the doubt."

"Them? Or just you?" She turns to the movie, frowning. "Are we finally going to find out why their parents had to die in the first movie?"

Vren chuckles, surprised at her attention span. He lifted himself off the couch and moved toward the vacant seat next to her to get completely engrossed in the movie. "You have to find out on you own."

"I knew you would say that." She reaches for another pizza and fluff the throw pillow on her lap. "Weren't you on some kind of party when you called? Were you really bored to leave it for a clichéd movie night?"

"I was in one. Hey, I just realized I was right."

"Right about me?"

"You do love Disney princesses and Belle is your favorite." He grinned.

She drifts her eyes over to him. "Do you have to rub it in? What sort of human being doesn't like Disney?"

"Well, no offense, but I was surprised you were into it."

Audrey bashes his face with the throw pillow. "You people make me sound like a monster."

"What do you mean?" He chuckles, holding the pillow away from her reach.

"Give me the throw pillow." She leans over in futile attempt to grab it back.

He shakes his head. "Not without a little kiss." He winks. It was a joke, of course. But when the smile slipped from her face, he wants to strangle himself for mishandling a potential opportunity. Plus there's an itching in his tongue because, for the life of him, he wanted to know why her engagement with the 'praiseworthy' Mark Sinclair has ended. He's dying to know but he doesn't want to seem demanding. One misstep and Audrey will shut down again.

Audrey clicks her tongue, her face impassive. He would sell both kidneys for a little clue of what's going on in her head. The tight bun is a giveaway whose authority applies around here, sure. But he wanted to know if he's dealing with the bossy Audrey who will more likely throw him out of her apartment.

"Vren, please, give me the throw pillow." Her voice came out raw and... vulnerable. She blinks, her eyes turning glassy. "Please, I want the pillow." She sniffled.

It took him one long second to realize what was happening. Audrey is crying. "Shit. I'm so sorry."

Audrey took the throw pillow to her chest as soon as he handed it over. Her fingers flew to her cheeks to wipe them dry.

"Audrey, I'm sorry."

She shakes her head. "No, it's not you. The hormones are driving me nuts." Audrey sniffles, cursing to herself.

"Can I do anything?" His hand tentatively hovered over her shoulder.

She sobs. "I don't know."

"Can I hold you?" He gulped. "It might help."

Audrey held his eyes, contemplating. "Fine."

Vren let a sigh breeze through his nose and gently pulled her to his chest. She buries her face on the crook of his neck. Even then she didn't let go of the throw pillow. He made a mental note of the little pillow. The lucky thing didn't even had to try. Audrey is holding it dearly.

"I'm sorry about the pillow," He murmured.

Audrey hiccupped. "It's just a stupid pillow."

"It's not stupid. Our baby likes it," he quipped although he had to stop and recall whether he really said our and if it just sent Audrey to a spiral of discomfort.

She sniffed. "Apparently." 

Hey, guys! Don't forget to vote and leave me a comment. I don't bite, I swear. Happy reading! Shout to these lovely readers rockieb and Quare_Ego

P. S.
Happy birthday to my sweet friend prisha_8 ! I wish you all the happiness and love in the world.

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