(17) Audrey

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Audrey sweeps the conference room with her gaze. When she was sure every single one is gathered around, she flops down on the seat next to Christian Parkinson whom she have set the meeting for in the first place.

Her writers were gawking at him the moment they entered the room. She feels unattractive just sitting next to him. Kylie is standing by the door. She was about to go back to her desk but this time she's needed to be there while she announces she's taking a sabbatical. Although Christian wouldn't be overseeing both Bachelor and Sassy for the next few weeks – not yet – she liked her staff to be prepared.

If she were in their shoes, she would hate to be surprised a new leader is taking over them. She hates surprises. Partly because she hates the unknown and partly because she doesn't like not being prepared.

"So, I heard you and my brother are dating. That true?" He leans to her ear.

She gave him a vacant look. The mention of his brother is the last thing she needs right now. Especially not when the picture of her throwing herself at him is still vivid in her mind. She woke up this morning, wanting nothing more but to strangle herself. She's not one to do things out of impulse. She made sure her responses are calculated. She just doesn't know what has gotten into her last night.

"I take that as a yes." He grinned down to his phone.

Audrey ignored him. She has more matters to deal with at the moment. Like dropping the bomb on her beloved team. She stood, the small talk around the table trickling off. "Good morning, everybody." She gestured at her assistant to take a seat but she shakes her head with a polite smile. Audrey hoped she will still be wearing that smile once she dropped the bomb on them. "Obviously, we have a testosterone in the room today."

Every single one on the table were blatantly staring at Christian Parkinson even before the introductions. Said introduction is for a clueless Kylie whose eyes doesn't get drawn in to the male company in the conference room. Audrey liked her for not getting her head stuck in the deceptive clouds full of men like the rest of the population in the office. She's focused. Always attentive.

Christian rewarded her staff a grin that gives her glimpses of Vren. There was no denying their blood relation. The good looks and the playful mischief runs in the family. She blinks, turning her attention back to the swooning people on the table. "We all know Christian Parkinson is the editor in chief of Bachelor which rivaled and partnered with our Sassy in more ways than one."

Audrey is slightly irritated at the dopey look on their faces. She was even more irritated at the attention they were giving him than her whom they supposedly have to listen to. Audrey glances over to Kylie who was staring at her in confusion. She knows she would be confused. When she asked her to set up a meeting with Christian Parkinson, she assumed it's just one of those meetings to stay relevant with one another.

Christian reveled in the attention. Clearly, the Bachelor editor in chief had enjoyed female attention all his life. And they have so much more to offer him without him asking.

"We're all here, including Mr. Christian Parkinson, because I have an announcement to make." She tunes her voice to that one of her authoritative tone. Their eyes tumbled back to her, her tone adjustment proven effective. "I'm taking some time off. Mr. Parkinson will be overseeing Sassy while I'm gone." She gestured in Christian's direction.

It took them at least five seconds to register the announcement. Gasps go around the table. One being the loudest was Kylie's. Her team quickly recovered. The shock wore off, fondness to the idea taking its place. Her assistant who remains loyal to her, was the last one to recover. Her mouth was parting in a scandalized gape.

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