Oh my heart

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As Yibo went inside Church he saw beautiful view. Everything was decorated beautifully and there was the person standing in the middle.
Yubin was walking behind Yibo. He can see that Yibo was shaking maybe because he was excited or maybe he was nervous.

Zhan extended his hand and Yibo placed his hand smoothly. They walked and infront of God they knelt down and prayed and bowed after that Yubin showed them place beside Church where marriage ceremony was supposed to happen.

Everything was decorated Yibo was looking here and there amused

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Everything was decorated Yibo was looking here and there amused. They reached there and Zhan slowly kissed Yibo's forehead. Yibo was feeling a sensation ran through his whole body. It was not first time that Zhan kissed him but the situation make him feel that way.
But he saw that there was no one other than Yubin, Zhan and him. So he asked...

Ge...Where's everyone I mean Your best man and Priest.

We don't need anyone here..dd..
I mean this is our day...our wedding so just us...and Yubin...he is here because he'll wrap up all this behind us...


Yeah...Let's go...

They were standing together while facing each other.

Zhan...stop being snail...and start with your marriage vows. Yubin groaned.

No need to do hurry...I want everything slowly so Dd and I can feel everything deeply. But as you said ok then...start with Yibo's vows.

Yibo was a little bit surprised because he didn’t prepare anything like that. So he looked at Zhan with a little bit guilt. Zhan understood his situation so he said...

Don't worry dd...it's okay..if you are not prepared for vows then I'll do that...

Yibo just nodded. And Zhan held Yibo's hand tightly.
And started...

Wang Yibo today we are here to get married but I wanted to say some words ... for you...
Dd our meetings at starting was not good at all...we fought with each other a lot and I hurted you but you can’t deny the fact that I've cared for you also...I agree that I forced you for marring to me but that was because I wanted to take revenge for the insult and slaps. You insulted me a lot but it's okay now...and after our that stupid marriage we felt a little bit connected...and because of you I got a chance to save my time my energy and myself from that witch named Ziyi.
And also you cleared the misunderstanding between my mom and me...thank you for that...
And last but not the least...thank you for this little gift...this string or bracelet whatever is this but I DON'T LIKE IT...

Saying that Zhan brutally pulled that bracelet leaving that broken...his hand was also hurt. Yibo looked at him...he was shocked by sudden change of behavior but looking Zhan's hurt hand he grabbed his hand...Yubin was also taken aback by Zhan's changed behaviour...

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