≪•◦ bears are sometimes vegan ◦•≫

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Y/n: We both look very good tonight.

Lloyd: You know, if you'd just said that I looked good, I would have said, "So do you."

Y/n: I couldn't take that chance.


Lloyd: Y/n is forbidden from monologuing.


Lloyd, confused and exasperated: Lloyd, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan?

Y/n: Politely.


Lloyd: So uh, for this party and everything, do you, uh...

Y/n, sighing: You don't know how to dress for this, do you?

Lloyd, panicked: WHAT IS CLOTHES???


Y/n: Fine! I don't give a shit!

Lloyd: You seem to give a lot of shit for someone who claims not to give a shit.


so um. i had some stuff going on for a week.


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