≪•◦ blurple ◦•≫

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Y/n: Advice of the day kids, if you ever meet someone who calls Gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color then they are a certified nerd.

Lloyd: Yeah but you have to specify, frost glacier or cool blue? You can't just say blue because there's more than one blue.

Y/n: Blue and light blue, nice try nerd.


Y/n: Silence is golden.

Lloyd: Duct tape is silver.


Y/n: What is the one thing I told you not to do?

Lloyd: Burn the house down.

Y/n: And what did you do?

Lloyd: I made dinner.




Lloyd: And burnt the house down.


Y/n: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue?

Lloyd: Technically a mix of green and blue?

Y/n: So blurple.

Lloyd: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple.

Y/n: Would you rather have fucking bleen? MOTHERFUCKING GRUE?

Lloyd: You were confusing before but now I'm scared.


Lloyd: You use humor to deflect your trauma.

Y/n: Awww, thanks-

Lloyd: That's not a good thing.

Y/n: All I'm hearing is that you think I'm funny.


classes started :/

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