≪•◦ this is CNN10 with carl azus ◦•≫

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Lloyd: Why can't any of you ever clean up after yourselves?

Y/n: I have a person who does that for me.

Lloyd: Yeah, ME.

Y/n: I'm glad you agree.


Y/n: I can never give Lloyd shit because I'm jealous of them. They look at their life and say, "Sweet! This is perfect!"

Y/n: I look at my life and say, "Welp. Time to get drunk."


Lloyd: I think I'm falling for you.

Y/n: Then get up.


Lloyd, shakily: Please, just tell me what the book is about. The plot, please.

Y/n, reading an annotation on the cover of a book, unfazed: A subversive masterpiece. A deep and touching story. New York Times Bestseller.

Y/n, now looking directly at Lloyd: Go fuck yourself.


Y/n: Are you reading fan fiction?

Lloyd, reading an article about extremely rare diseases: Wh- No.

Y/n: Oh, is it on AO3?

Lloyd: This is CNN.


Y/n: Hey, Lloyd, do you have feelings for me?

Lloyd: Yeah, anger.


when im mad i find really funny quotes.

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