Chapter 5

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I messed up two orders and rammed into another waitress who was holding dirty plates. And you want to know what? It was all Brooks' fault. The entire time he was dining away with Jimmy, the only thing that I was thinking was, 'what the hell are they talking about?' Sure, Jimmy and Brooks are friends, but they're not close. Which gets me to think that this is all part of Brooks' malicious plan to sabotage me. I mean, I wouldn't put it past him.

That's why, by the time 3 pm hits, I find myself in a rage making my way over to the indoor swimming pool. Don't ask me how I know this, but Brooks is in there every afternoon at this time doing laps.

The smell of chlorine hits my nostrils the second that I walk in and I'm thankful to find no else in the room because I'm about to go off.

"Brooks," I shout, but he's so in the zone doing the freestyle stroke that he doesn't hear me. I cup my mouth with my hands and scream louder. "BROOKS!"

That doesn't work, so I reach for the bottle of yellow Gatorade that's on the bench and chuck it at his body.

He immediately stops swimming to look up. When his eyes finally land on me, I give him a little wave and a cunning smile.

"What the hell, Red?"

I made him mad. Success.

I walk my feet to the edge of the pool, dipping my body down to look at him. "I should be asking you the same question."


"What on earth were you doing having lunch with Jimmy today?"

He chuckles, raking his fingers through his wet hair. "You're shitting me, right?"

"No, wiseass. I'm not 'shitting' you. Explain yourself."

He makes his way over to the steps, placing his hand on the silver rail as he exits the pool.

He strolls over to the bench and picks up the short towel, dabbing his face dry with it. "I told you before," he says in between pats, "I was just meeting up with a friend."

"Bullshit. Since when are you and Jimmy buddy-buddy?" I get up in his face and point my finger at him. "I swear Brooks, if you're trying to mess things up for me, I will slap the shit out of you."

He smiles. Why is he smiling?

"That sounds fun," he mocks.

"I'm serious, Brooks. Don't ruin this for me."

"Ruin what exactly? You and Jimmy are nothing."

"For now," I clarify. "I'm working on it. So, I don't need your wiseass interfering."

"I'm offended that you think I would ever do such a thing," he sarcastically says, pressing his palm to his chest.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't put it past you."

He circles around me, squinting his eyes, so I start to do the same to him. "You give me no credit, Red. You know, I'm a decent guy."

"Yeah? How about we agree to disagree on that?"

"You seriously think that I would do something fucked up like that?"

"Uh," I bat my eyes repeatedly, "yah."

He walks up to me and we're so close that I can make out the beads of water trickling down his face.

"For you information, I could care less about your shit mastermind plan to brainwash Jimmy into bedding you."

I flare my nostrils, then shove him hard with my palms. "Asshole. I hate you."

He rubs at the spot with a smile on his face. "Liar. You love me."

That gets me to shove him again, sending him to the edge of the pool. But he clutches my hand with his.

"Let go of me," I seethe.

"Only if you promise not to push me again."

I begin to wrestle my hand out of his hold, but it's not working, until it finally does and I'm able to shove him once more.

Only this time, he lands in the pool...

...and he takes me down with him.

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