Chapter 26

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"You have to be home soon, or can we go somewhere?" Brooks asks me.

I don't want to look at the time on my phone because I know that it's late; I know that I should go home soon, but I don't want to.

"We can go somewhere," I tell him.

I text my parents in a group chat, letting them know that I'll be home in another hour, and then put my phone on silent. I already know how they're going to respond. "No, it's too late, Remi. Come home."

I surprisingly don't ask Brooks where he's taking me. Instead, I enjoy the drive until he turns into a dusty lot and puts the car in park.

"This isn't like a hook-up spot or something, right?" I ask him with a worried expression as I take in the empty atmosphere. 

"A hook-up spot?" he chuckles.

"Yeah. Like, is this the part where you kill the engine, remove your seatbelt, and practically maul me until a cop comes and flashes his light onto us through the window?"

Brooks continues to chuckle. "How many romance movies have you watched?"

"Clearly too many," I embarrassingly admit.

"No, Red, this isn't a hook-up spot," Brooks says. "In fact, we're not staying in the car."

I squint my eyes and then say, "We're not?"


"Then, where are we going?"

He points ahead. "To the beach."

"The beach? At night?"

"Yeah," he says, opening his door and then coming around the car to get mine.

"I didn't even know there was a beach here," I say, taking his hand when he lends it out.

"That's because it's a small one. But it gives you the best view of the city."

It's a short walk to the beach, and Brooks leads us to a bare spot, planting himself down on the sand. He pats the side beside him, but I cross my arms.

"What are we doing here, Brooks?" I playfully ask.

"You always need a reason for everything, Red?" he asks back.

"Yes," I state matter-of-factly.

"Where's the spontaneous Remi Baker that I know?"

"Still here," I assure him.

"Great. Then tell her to come sit down next to me," he says, patting his side again.

I roll my eyes playfully at him and do as he asks. Brooks doesn't say anything, but he has the cutest smile on his face, like he's proud of himself for actually getting me to listen.

He drapes his arms over his knees as he looks out at the water. The sound of the waves crashing is loud but also soothing.

He leans his body down so that his back touches the sand and I give him a confused look.

"C'mon, Red. Join me," he says from where he's now laying.

"And get sand in my hair? No thanks."

He interlaces his fingers and places his palms down on his stomach, laughing. "C'mon, princess."

"No way. Especially not when you call me 'princess'."

"Fine, suit yourself," he says in a tempting manner, and I take in our surroundings.

"I thought we were here for the view."

"I have a better one," he asserts, his eyes locked onto the sky as he points up. "Come see for yourself."

I don't know what finally propels me to lay my back down onto the sand, but I end up doing it.

And then I look up at the sky.

Wow. The way it's lit up. It almost looks like a giant painting.

Brooks turns to me, leaning on his hip and placing his palm under his ear. "Thanks for joining me," he says.

I follow his motion and do the same. "You're right about the view. It's pretty spectacular."

"It is, isn't it?"

"Yeah. The stars...they feel close – like I can reach out and touch them – but really, they're so far away."

Silence passes us, but it's not the awkward kind. It's the comfortable kind. The kind that feels natural. Like it fits into this night.

It gives me a moment to glance at Brooks. To really take him in. I think I could really fall for him if he let me. If I let myself.

"If all else fails, at least we have the stars, right?" I say and he looks at me like I'm the only thing he sees. It's a little unnerving, if I'm being honest.

"Yeah, Red," he whispers. "At least we have that."

Under the Stars (Sequel to Across the Pond)Where stories live. Discover now