Chapter 38

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I've been counting down the days for Bella and Nico to get home. I'm happy that they were able to get out of the country for a few weeks and enjoy Europe, but I selfishly wanted them back because I missed them.

Bella and Nico know the gist of how me and Brooks got together, but I know that I'm going to have to spend the day filling her in on all the details.

The second that Bella woke up, I was at her house with muffins and coffee from Sweets, the bakery that she worked at last summer.

Brooks and Nico are having a guys' day. What that entails, I don't want to know. But we're all meeting up after for dinner at Giovanni's. It's cute, us double-dating. It's even cuter how we're all best friends.

Bella and I make our way downstairs and join her Grandma Ruby and mom Carrie at the dining table.

"You know, Remi, dear, you don't need an excuse to come visit us. Just because Bella was away on her Italian excursion, doesn't mean you can't stop by and say hi."

"Thank you, Ruby," I say with a smile. "And, I know. You're right. I'm sorry for being so MIA this summer."

"What does MIA mean?" Grandma Ruby asks, looking from me to Bella to Carrie.

"Aw, don't give her a hard time, Grams," Bella chimes in. "Remi's been busy this summer."

"Busy?" Ruby repeats. "Busy with what?"

"I think what you mean to ask is, 'busy with whom'?" Bella winks, and I playfully swat at her arm. "Do you want to tell her or should I?"

"I mean, why stop now?" I joke, gliding my hand in the air. "Go for it."

"Remi and Brooks are dating. Like seriously, exclusively, boyfriend-girlfriend dating."

"Okay, B," I chuckle, "she gets the point."

"I'm sorry, Rem, but it's a big deal. I've known Brooks for more than half my life and I've never seen him this whipped before. Not that I even have to see it; Nico tells me everything. And Brooks tells Nico everything. The boy is falling hard. Heck, he's already fallen."

Hearing Bella say that Brooks has fallen for me brings a rush of excitement to my body. It also secures my feelings considering I'm falling for him back.

"Brooks? As in Brooks Caldwell?" Carrie asks.

"Is that Jeff and Nicole's son?" Grandma Ruby adds on.

"Yes. And yes," Bella answers.

"He's a good-looking boy," Grandma Ruby remarks. "But what's more important is that his family is well-respected around here. They're fantastic people. Very charitable, too."

"I know, I had dinner with them the other week."

"YOU DID?!" Bella shrieks, and I just remembered that I never told her.

"Oops," I grimace. "I was going to tell you, B, I promise."

"Uh-huh. Sure you were," she says, not believing me whatsoever. "You know what? It's okay, Rem, because you're stuck with me all day, and I have 101 questions that I want answers to."

"Uh-oh, Remi, dear, you're in trouble," Grandma Ruby says.

"You girls better get a move on it then," comes from Carrie.

"Wish me luck," I tell them, and they both laugh.

Under the Stars (Sequel to Across the Pond)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن