Chapter 12

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If there's anything that I've learnt about myself on this date, it's that I hate caviar. Tuna carpaccio is too fishy for my liking. And Jimmy loves to talk about himself. I'm happy that at least one of us was able to learn more about me; I just wish it were him.

It's hard to get a word in and that's because Jimmy hasn't asked me a single question. It's not that Jimmy isn't nice. He's super nice, that's not the problem. The problem is that I don't think he wants to get to know me. And as much as I want to get to know him, when you're on a date with someone, it's a two-way street.

I'm so past my point of patience that I don't even care to order dessert, which is saying something because I have a huge sweet tooth.

"Sure, we'll take a look at the menu," Jimmy tells the waiter otherwise, and even though I flash him a smile, I'm mentally annoyed.

It's funny, all I've wanted for years is Jimmy. I wanted him so badly that I neglected the fact that there could be a chance that I wouldn't like him. I still think he's a great person, but I don't feel us vibing right now whatsoever.

I take one bite of the chocolate soufflé that Jimmy ordered and that's only because he's nudging me with his eyes to try it.

"My friend is having a few people at this house tonight. Would you want to stop by?" he asks.

How does one say 'hell no' politely?

"Who's your friend?" I ask, but I don't know why I do. He could say Timothée Chalamet and it wouldn't matter. I'm going home.

"Do you know Clay Bernstein?"

I tilt my head to the side, trying to place a face to the name. "Did he go to Sherman High?"

"He did."

"I think I might've met him once before."

"So, what do you say? Want to go to his party with me?"

"Uh," I say, reaching for my glass and taking a sip of water even though I'm not thirsty. I just need time to stall. "I actually have to be up early tomorrow. I think it's best if I call it a night."

"C'mon," he says with a cute pout. "Please. Just for a little."

I look at him, finding it hard to say 'no'.

"Fine," I agree. "Just for a little."


Jimmy takes my hand in his as we walk into Clay's house together. It's not so much a party, and more so about 20 people hanging out. 20 people that I don't know.

Until Brooks walks in looking like sex on a stick. His light brown hair is pushed off his face so that his piercing blue eyes shine bright. He's dressed in black jeans and a black bomber with a white hoodie that's attached to it, and a pair of Common Project white sneakers.

Why does he have to look this good? Why???

We make eye contact, but he breaks it to see who I'm standing next to; his happy expression turning into a mix of dismay and shock. Like he can't believe that I'm actually here with Jimmy.

I'm not surprised to see Brooks here even though he went to Miller High like me. Brooks is at every party. In fact, I hate to say it, but he's known for making the parties more fun.

I expect Brooks to make his way over to me, taunt me a little, say something that will annoy the shit out of me but, deep down, really love. But he doesn't, and I'd be lying if I said that the feeling doesn't sting. Instead, he proceeds for a blonde-haired girl that's standing in the corner of the room, and I can't help but stare and wonder what they're talking about.

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