Chapter 1: Crossing into the Dark

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"Things always get worse before they get better"

― Alfred Pennyworth, [Batman Trilogy]


"Oh motherfcker it hurts. God, somebody just fcking shoot me and get this fcking pain over with." A young boy of about eight or ten years old suddenly began screaming in pain after he woke up in what seemed like a very luxurious hospital bed.

The boy was confused, he wasn't feeling any sort of pain before he went to sleep but just after he woke up, he felt like he was in hell. His body was weak and tired but his stomach especially hurt a lot like somebody had made a freaking hole in it.

But within just a few seconds of him yelling toxic words which were not at all appropriate for a young boy like him, a team of doctors suddenly rushed into the room with serious faces looking like their lives and careers were on the line.

"Mister Wayne, are you alright? Please calm down, we will help you relieve your pain. Susan, give me a Midazolam injection, a 2 mg dose. We cannot have him displaying high levels of anxiety just after the huge surgery he went through. He might even go into seizure at this rate." The doctor who seemed to be the leader of the team spoke in an urgent tone.

"What do you mean by Wayne you fcker? I am Alex Vincent. And what do you mean, surgery? Did you guys cut out and steal my kidney or something? God, I'll fcking sue you all..." the kid continued to yell in his foul language till someone injected a syringe into his hand at which he felt like his nerves became calmer and his spiking heart rate seemed to drop to normal.

The 'kid' still tried to free himself from the 'evil' doctors who had most probably kidnapped him in his mind but he was quickly losing his consciousness.

All he heard before he again passed out into the darkness was the doctor saying something like "Give him some pain meds. Lets make sure the kid is alright after he wakes up again. I really like my current job. If the prince of Gotham dies under our watch, we will never be be able to treat another single patient ever again."

'Gotham? Wayne? Are these psycho doctors some DC fans or something? Did they kidnap me because I posted on my blog that Batman only wins due to plot armor because if that's the case then I still stand by my point.' That was the last thought before he completely lost his consciousness once again.

All he hoped that by the time he wakes up again, he would be in a much better and safer place like his soft bed and not some hospital bed surrounded by psycho doctors.

It was about a few hours later that he again began to form some coherent thoughts in his mind. He wasn't feeling pain this time, atleast not as much as he was feeling the first time he woke up. But this time he could hear the sound of someone silently weeping.

As the 'young kid' weakly opened his eyes, he saw a good looking adult man with silver white hair dressed in a butler uniform sitting beside his bed, hiding his own face with his left hand as silent tears seemed to roll down his cheeks.

"Wh-what" The boy couldn't speak well due to his throat being parched and dehydrated from his previous shouting and not drinking water for a long time.

"Mas-Master Bruce, you are awake again. I am sorry I was not here the first time you woke up. It seems I have been repeatedly failing in my duty recently." The man straightened up immediately and spoke up in an English accent after he heard the boy and quickly hid away his previous trail of tears on his face like they were never there.

"What" The young boy who was presumably named Bruce spoke up in his same dry voice in a questioning tone.

"Oh, here's some water." The butler immediately brought a glass of water after filling it up from a nearby jug in the room and offered it to Bruce.

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