Chapter 118: A Godly Smackdown (1)

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"All right, sweethearts, you're a team and there's nothin' to worry about. We come here, and we gonna conquer, and we gonna kick some, is that understood?"

- Sergeant Apone, (Alien)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

To speak the truth, I have always believed the Amazons to be weak after I watched the first Wonder Woman movie back in 2017. I mean in the film; it was shown that so many of their warriors died after just being hit by a few bullets. The Justice League movie had tried to do some justice to the race of female super warriors when it showed a couple of Amazons being able to even restrict Steppenwolf for some amount of time. But as a tradeoff it made them seem like stupid savages after it showed them fighting Steppenwolf and his Para demon armies with ordinary bows and arrows.

I mean why would a bunch of superhuman female warriors blessed by the gods themselves with access to thousands of years of magical knowledge and other mystical divine stuff fight literal evil gods with normal weapons? That sounds incredibly stupid and borderline insane... even if they are supposed to be "Women".

The reality of course was actually much more different. These Amazons were not as strong as peak humans or base-level Super Soldiers like they were made to look like in the movies. No, they were much stronger, they were almost baseline superhumans who could effortlessly bend steel with their bare hands without even trying that hard.

Each of them could easily beat Captain America's ass as long as he didn't have his plot armor or his science-defying frisbee. Yeah, they were that powerful. It was a serious waste that they were not bulletproof, otherwise they could have been the perfect warriors.

I myself realized this only after the battle had started when I saw a random Amazon break a rock golem soldier into pieces with just a single strike of her axe which weirdly didn't even get a single chink in it even after being used constantly to destroy the stone monsters.

Also, I should mention that although these rock golems were not as tough as diamonds or something, they were still definitely not so weak that a normal peak human could shatter them with an ordinary metal weapon. Now, I don't know if the Amazons in this world were different than the ones I remember from the movies or if all Amazons were this strong in general, but there was no way that this army of rock monsters was going to win a war against them in their own homeland with their strength alone.

So, the question was why they even started the battle in the first place. Were Ares and Hercules that much of an idiot or were they so confident in their own strength that they believed they could win the war with their individual powers alone and this army was just for show?... Or was it possible that just maybe, they have a completely different objective whatsoever?

"Smash the golems to smithereens, sisters. Make sure that both their heads and hearts are completely smashed to pieces, otherwise, they will just heal back from the Earth. They are the children of Gaia after all and have her blessings." Diana gave her advice after she noticed some of her sisters struggling to permanently put down one of the monsters as they continued to grow back from its fragments. "As for Ares, I'll take care of him myself." She completed before rushing towards the direction of the war god while cleaving through dozens of rock monsters in her path.

A few golems of the bigger size did try to block her course, but these monsters were useless in front of her absurd level of strength. They were just small-time minions meant to die at her hands to buy some time and tire her out. Unless she were to be overwhelmed by hundreds of them at once, they wouldn't even have a chance at defeating her.

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