Chapter 45: The Demon's Letter

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"There are two kinds of arrogance. One where you are unequal to the task and one where your dreams are too big. The former is commonplace stupidity... but the latter is a rare species that is difficult to find."
– Gilgamesh, (Fate Series)


"The fuck sent this letter?" I exclaimed looking at the lavishly decorated suspicious black and gold letter looking like it was from some Arabian king trying to appear rich as well as cool by sending me a gold-plated letter wrapped up in a dark theme.

"Language Master Bruce." Alfred tried to inhibit my cursing like usual which I conveniently ignored.

"Cortana, did you find anything after scanning the outer packaging?"

"No, Bruce. Unfortunately, the ones who packed or delivered it made sure to not even leave a single fingerprint or DNA remnant in there. From the materials used in the packaging and the letter, all I can deduce is that they were made outside the US but unfortunately, I currently do not possess enough data to specify where." Cortana said with some dismay in her otherwise usually cheerful voice.

"Not your fault Cort. After all, the internet still hasn't developed enough for you to find detailed information like that." I comforted her.

What irked me was that the letter was not the only thing weird in the package that Alfred bought. What was more weird was the way it was delivered. The package appeared out of nowhere in front of the estate gates. Even the dozens of cameras monitoring every inch of both inside and outside the mansion failed to capture how it happened. Only when every frame of the recording data was meticulously checked by Cortana, did she finally notice a slight dark smoke just the moment before the package was left in front of my gate, a smoke that both I and Cortana concluded as mystical in origin.

'It's good that Mr. Zatara had already inscribed some heavy anti-magic spell formations around the house. It's because of those barriers that stray dark wizards and evil sorcerers won't be able to come inside my home using their petty magic.' I thought like a proud landowner.

With untraceable packaging, a teleportation-like mystical delivery method, and a lavishly decorated letter, this is just getting more and more interesting.

"If I may speak Master Bruce, I think that insignia on the seal might have a clue or two as to the person or the group that might have sent the letter," Alfred spoke up as he eyed the seal.

"Maybe but Cortana didn't find anything after looking it up on the web except a few possible conspiracy theories stating that a symbol looking like that meant the end of the world or something. It was truthfully the worst letter seal I had ever seen. I mean why would you make your seal look like an animal's skull that cannot be even recognized when you can just make it something cooler like a rose or a dragon or maybe even a wolf?" I snorted as I failed to identify the creature that the symbol consisting of a weird skull and horns looked like.

"Yes, you are right. It looks more like a demon's head to me than an animal's skull. I guess not every artist is as talented as you. Master Bruce" Alfred praised.

 Master Bruce" Alfred praised

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