Chapter 100: The Colony (2)

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"Because, really, if there's no loyalty, what's the point of a partnership?"

- Rachel Brosnahan, (Miriam 'Midge' Maisel)


<{Unknown Warehouse, Gotham}>

<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"Shit... ah, fuck... where-where am I?" Deathstroke who was lying on a makeshift medical bed suddenly woke up with a start as he groaned in a bitter voice. "You-you fucking shot me, you psychotic butler... I bet you are feeling really proud of yourself, right?" He almost growled in anger when he noticed Alfred standing a few feet away from him.

"I actually am and very much so. Thank you for asking, Mr. Wilson." Alfred answered with a small, relaxed smile on his lips.

Currently, we are in a secret warehouse that Wayne Enterprises owns. It was one of the many locations that I let Slade use as much as he wanted to effectively complete the project, I gave him. It was quite a big underground warehouse, filled with all the facilities one could possibly want for a team of a hundred or so people. So, Slade and his entire team were now using this location as their primary base in Gotham.

After Alfred shot Slade, they didn't have too much time to escape since Cortana had alerted different authorities already and they were on their way. Slade had taken care of the CCTV cameras by himself even before his 'attack', so their identities were at least safe. The only thing they needed to worry about was that they were not traced or captured by anyone. So, I had immediately ordered the assassins to escape to their base with Deathstroke while I myself stayed back to calm the cops and the press down.

The group seemed quite subservient and didn't argue with my decision at all, quietly escaping with Deathstroke while leaving with me the location of the exact warehouse where they were staying. In fact, when I gave them the order to retreat, they accepted it so quickly that it didn't even look like they had tried attacking me just a couple of minutes ago even if that attack was just a prank of sorts.

Anyway, after I was done spinning up a false but believable story about the remnants of Penguin's man trying to kill me under their imprisoned boss' order to increase their gang's influence in Gotham, I and Alfred quickly went to the location of the warehouse to visit Deathstroke and that had led to our current situation.

"You are a cruel monster you know that you Brit demon," Deathstroke grumbled through his teeth while looking at Alfred who didn't look even the least bit bothered by his insults. "You still think this butler of yours is a good human being kid. He shot me with a gun straight at my heart even after I said that I wasn't trying to kill you. I would have died if I were a normal human." Slade defended himself while blaming Alfred.

"No, he didn't try to kill you. He shot you using a particular gun I call the lawgiver, a gift from me on Alfred's last birthday. The gun can store different types of ammunition together and shoot whatever type of bullet is required at the moment. What he shot you with was a High-voltage stunner bullet. When shot, it is supposed to break some of the target's bones, stun them by scrambling their nervous system, and then knock them out cold for a day at least. You on the other hand recovered in just over an hour with perfect health. So, I am pretty sure, that he didn't try to actually kill you." I explained while gesturing at the gun Alfred was holding in his right hand like he still wanted to shoot Slade a couple of more times.

The gun looked like any standard submachine gun but had a little more toyish design. It had a display screen to show the type of ammunition that was being used as well as the types of ammunition available to the user. Also, the trigger looked slightly more futuristic since there was a fingerprint scanner in there to make sure that only Alfred and any person whose prints are registered in the gun's database can use the gun.

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