Chapter 70: Young Bat vs Old Demon (1)

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"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."

- Mike Tyson


<(Omniscient POV)>

"Finally! You are ready to embrace even death merely to have the chance to defeat me. Good. I will enjoy this brief with you fight even though the result will be the same, me taking everything from you... for the league." Ra's Al Ghul completed in a chill-inducing voice as he showed the ugliest and scariest smile he could muster, something that came quite naturally to him.

Bruce on the other hand didn't stretch the conversation any longer and just decided to focus on defeating him.

Ra's Al Ghul right now might seem almost invincible with his ability to predict the future but he didn't even think for a single second that this ability came without its limitations. What he could deduce from the old assassin's words and movements was that he couldn't exactly see the future but that his mind had developed a certain characteristic from the... chemical combination he had ingested, one that allowed him to use all the sensory inputs he received to simulate them to know the most probable results of the events he witnessed and thus predict what was going to happen in the short immediate future.

In a single word, he had one of the abilities of a discount version of the Sharingan which in the anime had a similar power. But the question was just how accurate was this ability of his. Was this so accurate that he could even predict the future as authentic as the Book of Destiny itself? Could it predict what was going to happen days ahead into the future if enough data was gathered? Did it have absolutely no adverse effects on his body or mind? Bruce didn't have an answer to any of those questions.

But..., that didn't mean he was helpless. No, he not only had a way of getting all those answers for himself but also something that could enable him to directly counter Ra's Al Ghul's newly acquired future predicting ability itself.

'This will be the first time I'll be doing drugs in both my lives. Truly, how far I have fallen. Well, anything to stay alive I guess.' He thought to himself and took out a small transparent pill from a hidden pocket in his keikogi.

"Bottoms up," Bruce muttered while slipping the experimental drug into his mouth, and quickly swallowing it.

'Let's just hope this doesn't end up like one of the few bad simulations that Cortana simulated where my brain melted through my ears or where I became mentally handicapped after using this just once.' He thought grimly as he subtly started a 12-hour countdown on his bracelet.


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

The NZT-48 pill I just swallowed was a modified version of the same drug that I had been working on for the last few years. The pill itself was almost the same as the original one with its effects lasting for 12 hours after ingestion, causing some quite harmful side effects if not ingested regularly, although even if taken regularly, the user's body and mind would still be deteriorating slowly.

However, the reason why the project took so many years to develop and was still risky to use was actually the development of the vaccine that was needed to take the pill without developing or experiencing any side effects.

I had already developed and taken my basic NZT vaccine which gave me immunity against all the side effects of NZT usage for about one year. However, I still wanted to research more on them because I was still not sure how effective the vaccine was against NZT in real life. That and some other concerns about my mind suddenly becoming completely apathetic were the reasons why I still hadn't used NZT on myself yet. But, as a wise man once said, desperate times call for desperate measures.

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