Chapter 12: The Funeral (2)

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"Humans die. Animals die. Plants die. Even soul reapers die. It's the arch of the universe. Everything that comes to life eventually ceases to exist."

— Baraggan Louisenbairn


"Hey, Bruce. I was looking for you. I wanted to personally apologize to you for not being able to punish Joe Chill according to the law for what he did to your family." He said with a hint of genuine regret in his voice.

"It's okay Detective Gordon. After all, he did receive punishment. His life, in return for the lives of my parents, although I have to say that the trade wasn't that fair." Bruce said with a 'sad' smile.

"Revenge doesn't heal your wounds, Bruce. I admit that losing your loved ones do birth that feeling in most people, I would probably be as angry as you if not more if this had happened to me but we still have to learn to move past our grudges, otherwise the fire of our hatred can burn us as well. Your parents were heroes of Gotham, their loss was a big one, one that Gotham would suffer for years. I just hope that you stand with it in its time of need." Gordon said as he sighed.

"My parents were not heroes, they were simply businessmen doing their business," Bruce answered as he picked up a glass filled with soda into his hands from the table.

"A hero can be anyone, Bruce. Your parents were more heroes than you can imagine." Jim said as he suddenly smiled to disperse the heavy mood.

"Anyways, meet my daughter, Barbara Gordon. She is my only daughter since my late wife passed away. I brought her here for a change of air. I don't get a lot of time to spend with her, so I brought her with me." He said proudly as he placed his hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"You brought your daughter to a funeral to spend time with her?" Bruce asked wondering how busy and desperate the detective really was.

"I was desperate." Gordon pursed his lips together as he smiled sadly at his own situation.

Bruce looked at the young girl listening to their conversation intently and smiled at her while saying, "You know your father is a really good man, take care of him. This city is really lucky to have someone as honest and hardworking as him."

"Hmhm" The little girl nodded as she agreed to Bruce's words smiling at him, happy that someone was praising her dad.

"Good girl." Bruce smiled and patted the little girl's head also taking the chance to pinch her fluffy cheeks after noticing how cute she was,

"We'll have to go now, Bruce. I am afraid this is as long as I can stay and talk to you without some wild reporter clicking a photo of us and posting it tomorrow at the front of a newspaper stating that a detective was seen taking bribes from the prince of Gotham." Jim laughed at his own joke.

"Yeah, that is very much possible, so I won't stop you. But please bring little Barbara here to the manor sometime if she ever feels bored. You are both welcome here. Plus, I would be glad to host a little princess like her in my home." Bruce said as he smiled at the little girl who giggled back.

"Of course. See you later Bruce." Gordon said as he walked towards the exit gate with her daughter in tow.

"Byeeee byeeee prince," Barbara shouted to him in her childish voice as she waved at him.

Bruce of course waved back.

'Look at that. I met another important character today and made a favorable impression on her at the same time. All in a day's work.' He thought as he sipped his drink relaxingly.

The entire funeral was quite successful for Bruce. He mostly got what he wanted through it. He was able to not only meet a lot of people but also get a basic idea of Gotham's current political and economic condition and structure after his parent's deaths.

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