Chapter 43: An Ordinary Human No Longer

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"Humans and apparitions should just be however they want. If that would break the world, then it's better off broken."

~ Tsukasa, (Toilet bound Hanako-kun)


<(Omniscient POV)>

"Is everything ready Cortana?" A tall and muscular Bruce asked as he laid down his lean and muscular swimmer's physique on top of a weird-looking egg-shaped machine.

"Yes, Bruce, both the Compound V and the perfected Super Soldier serum vials have been connected to the pod. The energy charges from the Kryptonite-based energy reactor are also active. We can now safely begin the procedure." Cortana's voice came back from the background.

"Good, then begin the operation... And let's just hope I don't die this time." Bruce muttered as the pod was automatically sealed by Cortana and a unique pain nullifying and nerve-relaxing gas was released inside it entering Bruce's body through his nostrils and mouse.

Tubes and syringes connected to various parts of his body began to continuously inject the two serums into his veins while the machine itself began to wheeze with energy.

[30 milliliters of Perfected Super Soldier Serum injected]

[70 milliliters of Compound V injected]

[Filtered unique Kryptonite radiation injection initiated]

[Radiation at 1% power... 5%...]

Cortana's voice began to document the entire process.

"Oh my. Oh, Great Wayne. Okay, this might be more painful than I initially thought." Bruce clenched his teeth as he felt like lava was flowing through his veins. Even the pain-nullifying gas wasn't of much help.

Bruce had initially thought of using the newer Nagel's version of the Super Soldier serum which was much simpler and faster to inject but had decided against it because it was much weaker than the original Erskine's version and that was exactly why Bruce had opted to use that original one after improving the serum with the Oz formula (Green Goblin serum) from Marvel and the mirakuru that he had developed from the blood sample that he had taken from Deathstroke.

Unfortunately for him, the resulting product was so potent that he felt like a Masochist torturing himself while trying to use those serums.

[Radiation at 75% power]

Cortana declared without stopping.

"AHAHAH. SHIIIIIITT. GOD, This was a wrong and hasty decision." He continued screaming like he was experiencing the most painful death he possibly could. He felt like his skin was on fire, his muscles were falling off and his bones were melting.

[Radiation at 90%]

Bruce could no longer yell as his muscles and skin began to visibly melt down into goo and leak through the pod, his eyeballs turning into liquid as he even lost his ability to try to ask for help from his AI assistant.

[Radiation at 95%]

[Radiation at 100%]

[Radiation is at full power]

[Injection Procedure concluded]

[Powering down]

Cortana declared as the machine began to rapidly power down until it stopped wheezing altogether.

When the entrance to the pod finally opened, liquid parts of Bruce flowed out of there with only his bones in somewhat of a solid condition. The rest of him had either turned into red jelly or boiling liquid.

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