Chapter 27: Money and Steroids

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"Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys crazy-ass happiness."

- Eminem


"So Lucius, how is the future looking for Wayne Solutions? Are we on track for our goals?" Bruce asked while looking at the financial reports handed to him by Lucius Fox, the CEO of Wayne Solutions.

"Most of our annual goals have already been realized and we have also met our revenue targets. Wayne Electronics had significant growth following the release of our commercial drone technology and the Xbox gaming console that you provided us the design with. We have already established ourselves as the leading commercial drone manufacturer in the world while we currently rank second in the gaming console category. At this rate, we are projected to overtake Sony by the end of next year." Lucius stated.

Bruce was happy with the rate his business was growing. He had only introduced three products in his Wayne Electronics subsidiary for now. Since it was defined as a consumer electronics company, he could only introduce consumer electronics as per the contract he had signed with Wayne Enterprises.

But that didn't stop him from introducing products that were decades ahead of the current industry standard. He had used some of the technology from his own drones to make commercially viable and practical drones as well as released some of the games designed by Cortana that she had designed for Bruce and his friends to play alongside the gaming console. The PlayStation had just been released a few years ago and it was nowhere near the popularity level that it would be in the future. So competing with the PlayStation wasn't hard for him at all.

He was sure that no other company would be able to compete with his gaming console or his drones for the next decade. That was how much he had made his products superior compared to its competitors out there.

"Wayne Venture Capital has also invested about ten billion dollars in more than the dozen companies that you recommended. However all of its investments are long-term, so it would be a while before we could start getting returns on our investments.

However, surprisingly the highest profit percentage came from Wayne Entertainment. Who knew that children's animations and space operas could be that famous among people? Even my own wife has become an avid Star Wars fan." Lucas Fox laughed as he mentioned his wife.

"I know right? Space magic and talking animals are unexpectedly quite attractive to moviegoers." Bruce smiled back as he remembered how even Selina and Vicki had become fans of The Lion King and Star Wars respectively.

The employees in his entertainment company had proven their competitiveness by shooting both films in less than four months which was quite an achievement. After that, all the post-production and editing of the two films were completed with the help of Cortana and his new editing software in less than a week. This allowed them to release both of his films in a single year with a one-month gap.

Both films due to smart marketing campaign strategies which were devised by Cortana had brought tremors in Hollywood and had collected more than a billion dollars in global box office collection, solidifying Wayne Entertainment as the newest rising giant of Hollywood.

"What about the computer designs I sent you? Do you think you'll be able to mass produce them by next year?" Bruce asked.

"We should be. The design although much more complicated than the other computers of this time can still be replicated by our factories once we upgrade them with some higher-tiered machinery." Lucius answered him.

"Good. We will be releasing the Wayne range of compact laptops next year along with other PC software and programs that come with it." Bruce said as he put down the financial reports on the table.

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