Chapter 88: A Falcon's Soiree & A Cat's Revenge (1)

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"Love means never having to say you're sorry,"

- Jennifer Cavalleri, (Love Story)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"Shit, my lower body is killing me. When I said that I could go a few more times, I meant only a few more times, not a dozen... I think I feel more sperm in me than I have blood in my entire body" Selina said as she rubbed her slightly bloated lower stomach with her palms.

She was currently dressed in a cat-style hoody and was sitting on the sofa with a game controller in her hands, waiting for the new Call of Duty 4 to finish loading on the Bat Computer.

"Yeah, I might have gone overboard with the sex a little last night. I should have tried anal too instead of just blindly focusing on your vagina. But come on, that excuse of your lower body hurting is stupid. You and I both know that your body has long healed from the after-effects of our sex session and is now again at its peak, ready to go for another round.

And, as for your stomach getting bloated with my semen, blame your own evolved physiology for that. Your reproductive system also evolved with the rest of your body and not letting any sperm out to maximize your chances of getting pregnant is just one of its many adjustments to make you the perfect female 'human being' on the planet." I said with a poker face while mixing a few different liquids in a test tube.

"Wait, what? I can get pregnant? But, I thought our bodies would deal with that too. Or maybe you somehow made sure that your seeds wouldn't take." Selina exclaimed with an expression of horror on her face as she ignored my words about trying out anal.

"The most desirable trait in a species is the ability to reproduce as efficiently and quickly as possible despite all odds. All biological beings crave that for themselves as long as they cannot achieve immortality. And we too as non-immortal biologically enhanced humans also have that trait. The chances of you getting pregnant after last night are more than 95%. But then again, yeah, you are right in thinking that I do not intend to let that happen. So here, drink this." I said as I threw a corked test tube toward her after finishing making the medicine I was trying to make.

"Let me guess, this is your version of a morning-after pill." She breathed in relief as she caught the test tube in her hands and drank it whole in a single gulp without the slightest hesitation.

"Yep." I smiled, happy that she knew me so well while also fully trusting me.

"Bruce, can I now allow Ace and Mr. Whiskers inside? They have been waiting for a while to play here. Selina likes to train them here in the Bat cave, so, they have got a habit for it." Cortana's hologram appeared as an image of the two pets patiently sitting outside one of our cave entrances became visible.

"Playing in the Bat cave huh? Yeah, sure allow them in." I said as I took a look at Selina who had frozen in fear after hearing Cortana's words.

It seems that she hadn't expected Cortana to tell me about her escapades in my cave but what she didn't consider was that Cortana despite not having to inform me every time someone with access came inside the cave, still could still inform me if she wanted or deemed it important enough. Cortana was an AI with a sense of individuality who could think for herself, learn on her own, and evolve, not some normal program that did what it was just coded to.

"Traitor," Selina whispered while looking at the hologram of Cortana which the AI completely ignored.

"But that also brings me to my question, why did you two name the cat Mr. Whiskers? It is a 'she', so shouldn't it be named something like Miss. Whiskers?" Cortana questioned as the two animals entered the cave.

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